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Everything posted by gifted

  1. hmmm..... G hard eh? i heard of these £10 plus a pack arent they? What is so good about these are they barbless too Chris. Thanks for the info Courtz but not sure i feel confident using esp hooks and as for the wide gape B's (korda) i have lost quite a few fish on them but havent had too many problems with the normal wide gapes more info required guys i want a strong hook too as my syndicate is weedy too
  2. hi guys my new syndicate for next season has a barbless hook rule and i would never dream of breaking rules but after using the good old wide gapes (barbed) for so long im a little lost. crushed barb is also banned so im looking at one of the esp barbless i guess? but which pattern. im open to suggestions but im looking for a bottom and pop up pattern both of which give good hook holds and most of all ultra ultra and i mean ultra sharp cheers every1
  3. is it the anchor rig tubing if so let me know if its gud
  4. k cheers ouch i think ill give both a go an dtry testing em too in some water
  5. ok m8 y r u such a big fan of leadcore neways?
  6. so how long should the anchor rig tubing be and would a flying back lead run over the tubing easily enough?
  7. yer but im not convinced rig tubing pins the rig down as much as i wud like
  8. thx im gonna get quicksilver do u know how long it should be and can i leave it on my spool for a long time or do i take i off after each session?
  9. found summat is this it m8? http://www.fishandfly.co.uk/knots/needle/print.html and wot bout attching it to the swivel which knot
  10. does it tell u how to tie it in the quicksilver pack if not have u got any pics so i can learn thx
  11. i am gonna start using leaders the quicksilver leadcore so it will pin my rig down and help with casting but can sum1 tell me how to tie it to the mailine and swivel properly because i hear it can be quite dangerous but i do have a gud idea but just wanna make sure thx
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