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  1. I'm thinking of trying Snake Skin in more ways this year, particuarly with more coating removed. How well does it knot(knotless knot) with the coating removed? Secondly,do you think I'd be better off using multi strand rigs later in the year, maybe once other more detectable types of hooklengths have been used a lot? many thanks, Andy C
  2. It definitely does not make for a 100% Safe way of Fishing a Running Lead. I really experimented with Leadcore on a water over Christmas/New Year time, getting into the water to check its safety aspect with regards as to its twist and trapping Run Rings, beads etc on it. It does not take much for leadcore to become dangerous (Leaders Thread and another in Advanced Carp Fishing, sorry can't remember which one). Tubing it is then. I haven't used running rigs before, I usually use Korda Inlines/Leadclips with tubing. Didn't know leadcore was prone to twisting. Valuable lesson learnt, hopefully others will read this.
  3. While using running rigs does leadcore create more resistance than lighter anti tangle tubing? Could leadcore possibly arouse a carp suspitions? Andy .C
  4. Nick, I can recall seeing somewhere, baiting up with double boilie baits connected to each other with spaghetti Have you ever tried this? Andy C. Have a feeling it was me who mentioned it , either that or pulling PVA through the 2 baits. The pva connecting them doesn't dissolve when they are touching. Never thought about it in my life So it works quite well then Andy C.
  5. Nick, I can recall seeing somewhere, baiting up with double boilie baits connected to each other with spaghetti Have you ever tried this? Andy C.
  6. Have you ever tried Sufix Kameleon mate, it's made up from 3 different colours black, brown and green. The braid underneath colour matches the removable coating. Andy C.
  7. I tend to stick to Kryston Mantis/Snakebite now as the coating is more robust. With some coated braids I've found the coating gives out, creating a limp/hinged point where knots are tied. Although sometimes I think you have try things out for yourself and see how it goes. If I had to pick just one I'd go for the Mantis. Andy C.
  8. Cheers fella's Although I guess I was hoping for the opposite answer, I'm a lot more confident with a striped hair too. Just don't like the thought of the hair wrapped round the hook to much Andy.C:D
  9. When tying stiff rigs with snake bite I usually strip coating off for the hair and knotless knot. I've often wondered, for the purpose of anti-tangling, whether it would make any great differance leaving it on. What are your veiws on stiff hairs. Andy.C
  10. I've fished some of the Broads for over 25 years now, mainly piking - summer and winter alike. The only ones I've seen have always been on stillwater broads that have no connection with any river systems. The trouble is, all my sightings have come during the winter, when the water has lost it's colour with falling temperatures, I think location would be very hard in the summer. Access is also limited on most broads which doesn't help matters either. Saying that however some of these fish are quite big and would be well worth catching. Prebaiting would be essential in my opinion, although natural baits may work better. I also think many biteless hours(sesssions) would pass before success was achieved. andy cooper
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