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  1. fake dog biscuit or a bit of foam
  2. does this still have fish in ? if so are they alive ? not been there since i was a little kid and i must of pulled out about 30+ roach in a day off the peg by the car park. when ever i drive past i always see 1 or 2 people fishing it car park side. ive only even seen 1 person fish the school side. anyone been here recently or know if theres still fish there ? i checked the pegs afew months ago and there must of been about 2 metres of reeds infront of the peg jus lying on the surface.
  3. I went down the other day while it was hot to have a look. Couple of lads i know were there havin a drink enjoyin the sun. 2 other guys were feeder fishin n was told they didnt have much luck. Unless u know the little moochers around here u aint 100% safe up there at night. You'd be suprised what goes on in them woods at the side not far from the road. And i would never ever EVER leave my car on that car park no matter what , even during the day
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