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Everything posted by tscarptalk

  1. yeah deffo mate im looking foward to a session tommorow down the cut out...
  2. im going to be fishing in - line leads probably because i have no feeders and i dont do that aprroch but ill give it try anyway better than sitting at home...
  3. cheers for that mate ill be down there tommrow you fished there a lot then or >? and also do you now any secret spots
  4. some of my mates have fished new mills and had some great slabs, but as im only 15 years of age i like to bike and cast to be honnest mate, i live near to the river bend behind whitlingham lake thats where im going to go tommrow (saturday) ill go for the bream more than concentrating on carp... as its a much easier approch... aslo what bait would you use for the bream and what sort of set-up ? cheers TSCarpTalk...
  5. hi there, im a very keen angler and been carp fishing at lakes for a couple of years now! well the thing is im looking to carp or bream fish and do a cuple of nights down my local rivers i live in thorpe and live near griffen marina and also river green are tese 2 any good spts or do anyone have any recomendations on where to set up for the night ? and catch bream aswell as catching a carp ??? also bait what would you use on river and also would you stick to margins or middle or snaggy areas let me know guys will be much appreciated ta tight lines
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