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  1. The wildlife was only getting its own back
  2. Goggins, my suggestion would be for you to make a shortlist of say 5 lakes across France, then ask your questions again in accordance to your requirements. Looking at your previous posts, once you have narrowed your search ask: Location from ports Size of lake Fish Stocks Runs water Big fish water Nuisance fish Facilites ETC.... I read your post where you stated that you would be happy with a 30 but would like to catch/chance to have a 40 or 50. It is not all about catching big fish though I agree there is no better feeling than catching a big lump, but believe me it isn't all about catching a hippo, I would honestly prefer to catch a shed load of fish than sit behind my rods all week waiting for one biggie, its also a holiday after all, stress yourself out and build the trip up to big or bust and you will be sorely upset. Consider the other half, let her catch a few and it opens up a whole new perspective I promise. My opinion would be to look for an out an out runs water, have fun on your first trip then look for something else. You also asked about 60s being a sales pitch, show me where I can put me tent up "You pays your money and you takes your chance" Look across all forums, how many reports do you see of 60s coming out on a weekly basis Not that many, and the few that have them are well and truely booked up so the chances of you getting on on the 30th of this month are as likely as falling Nasa satelite landing in my back garden.
  3. Yes Makes, Blondie, Kim and Iain all called me lots of different names, but Dave was definately not one of them? But never mind Tel, you stick to sharpening sticks and skinning the rabbits and rats whilst polishing your pick axe shaft. It was an excellent week mate, loads of fish as usual graced the bank all round, chuffed I broke my Rushes Lake PB, Kim and Iain excellent hosts, too much food Kim..... I haven't been fishing for over a year and this was an amazing trip, Thanks Kim, Iain, I had a great week, I caught shed load of fish, I could have had more if I wasn't so lazy. Sun 15Common 19Common 20Common 22.8Mirror 17.8Mirror 19.8Mirror Mon 12.5Mirror 15.8Common 20Mirror x2 26.8Mirror 22.8Common 18Common Tues 12.8Common 10Common 31.8Common Wed 14.8Common 18Common 41Mirror Thurs 27.8Mirror 25Mirror 17.88\common 25Mirror 26.8Mirror 27.8Common 28Common Fri 20Mirror 27.8Mirror x2 27Mirror 10Common +13 Scamps to 10lb which all gave good account of themselves, you would swear you were battling something 3 times the size, good sport and very enjoyable. Will be back soon, but next time I will plan it better and not leave it all to the last minute as I did this time. Thanks Kim, Iain.
  4. Nice pics goobers, shame that the bankside tramp in my swim couldn't focus more with my pics. Havant lay off the tramp juice mate 9% lager didn't do my pics any favours Makes love the pic of you and your PB Cat, I see you cannot keep your tongue in your mouth, suppose when you have pussy in your grasp it cannot be helped
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