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Everything posted by exyateleybailiff

  1. Give it a bit more time. 24hours isn't that long in forum terms There are a couple of Shropshire lads on here, including myself. Unfortunatly I can't help with any info on this place other than what I have read in the other threads about it. Thanks nigewoodcock, It seems a bit of a dark horse to find much about the place any insight would be good.....
  2. Can't believe no one knows nothing about this lake.
  3. Nice fish of yours on the gallery cobleyn..
  4. Keep you informed joining next sunday...
  5. he has a habit of changing the rules interesting in what you say on that, i had a look last week thought it was a nice looking lake.
  6. owell i know horton well 2....all the best fella in your quest... do you you know anything on rosehill market drayton..
  7. I would probably no you then back in the day i finnished bailiffing in 2003. i bailiffed the car park lake, split lake, matchlake, sometimes sandhurst.. i ran a day ticket fishery two.. whitevaine..
  8. cobleyn i think the fella wants to catch a fish not many hours of sleeping m8.. LOL Wraysbury 1 or 2.. over 120 acres interesting i fished that back in the early 80s...
  9. Thought you might be i know trench were the blue pig is and middle pool. is that safe at night or they to much greif.. I've not had any problems down there, Trench has some stunning fish and to me is harder but the better of the two waters. Im a member of taa but never fished them im to use to a place were we are locked in we the bailiffs kept the angler safe. i would think you would know or heard of the yateley complex.. sorry all for hijacking this thread
  10. Thought you might be i know trench were the blue pig is and middle pool. is that safe at night or they to much greif..
  11. All the lakes down south i can help you with... i moved up near telford and having trouble finding some place to fish. were are you fishing at the moment mate.....
  12. Well fella you seem to no were he's talking about why don't you help the fella out..... Couple of pools around Berrington that i know, one is syndi with next to no chance of getting on and the other one is well hidden away with no fishing. Perhaps thats why he can't find out much unless your in the no..
  13. Well fella you seem to no were he's talking about why don't you help the fella out.....
  14. This is the one you need mate.... http://www.merringtoncarpfishery.co.uk/[/code] Regards: exyateleybailiff
  15. Hi All I moved to shropshire a wile ago and need a little place to fish i have meet the owners and had a chat they were very helpfull. They said i can join because of my fishery experience i said i would like to find out more first, so please anyone have any info on this would be great.. Regards:ExYateleyBailiff
  16. Hi Bigguscarpus sent u a pm......
  17. Rosehill fishery, Market drayton I thought i would bring this up again i need info on this, i moved to shropshire a wile ago and need a little place to fish i have meet the owners and had a chat they were very helpfull. They said i can join because of my fishery experience i said i would like to find out more first, so please anyone have any info on this would be great.. Regards: exyateleybailiff
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