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    drinking, fighting

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  1. Alright mate,

    You on a syndi in telford?

    message me on here please

  2. Hi mate Have you looked at the Wrekin reservoir? I've always classed it as a runs water as it's fairly easy, good average size of fish aswell. I haven't fished it for a few years but there must be a few 20s in there now. As for TAA Apley is meant to be a runs water with a couple of 20s but I'm not sure I've never really fished it.
  3. I was on the syndicate for 3yrs, feel free to msg me
  4. Some of them pools have changed a lot lol.
  5. Does anybody know any decent fishing spots in or around bath must be day ticket or free water as I will be doing a few after work sessions. I've tryed the Avon but no joy. Thanks jack
  6. Hi there I don't know much about Blackfords but do you know about TAA waters that's only about £25 with about 15 pools loads of decent carp to be had. WULAC is another but that's about £100.
  7. Does anybody know of any day ticket waters around the Warminster/Frome area including rivers stretches and any info on them would be great thanks.
  8. It fished hard last year and the stock seems low and a bit unkown but there's I think 3 known 30lbers and proof of about 4 high 20lbers from what I've seen. Most the carp are low 20s there's a few high teens aswell and in the next couple of weeks they are putting in 10 fast growers and another 20 or so mid to high teens from another of the clubs waters. rumours of a 31lb pike aswell.
  9. Sorry I should of said where it is Its just outside Telford not far off j3 on M54.
  10. One of my local syndicates will be needing new members in March the bailiffs are struggling to get new people to join (genuine reasons). If anyone is interested or wants more info then please send me a message. thanks Jack
  11. Struggling to find somewhere really. Any ideas, anywhere within an hours drive from stoke? The only one i can think of is Bayden hall
  12. No i haven't it rings a bell though
  13. How far you willing to travel?
  14. If i was you i wouldn't bother mate
  15. PM sent
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