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Posts posted by loulou

  1. hi everyone,

    anyone fished lynn y gors this year on the old carp lake, if so is it worth a visit or a waste of time?

    Also could anyone recommend a good venue for a 72 hour session, dont mind travelling a few hours from manchester.

    Many thanks,


  2. hi Arl,

    thanks for the tip on the search,ill look on the web, i would like to be far enough away so i wont be asked to come home in a hurry, you know things like the electric has gone out..........how do it turn it back on? or can you put another fuse in my hair straighteners? haha



  3. Hello all,

    After a long break from fishing due to the addition of a family member i am now ready to wet the net again and hopefully feel a tight line on the rod,

    i have been given a weeks pass to go fishing and was looking to go for big fish and stay at the waters edge for atleast 3 to 4 days,i live in stockport and dont mind travelling 2 or 3 hours away to get the right place,

    would love to get your input please,

    Many thanks,


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