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    Landing first UK thirty!!

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  1. Ok maybe I should've checked that before I decided on fishing that venue! lol May pop down to the South Lake.... I have the next week off so may wait and go for 48hrs in the week... Thanks for letting me know
  2. hahaha Ok now I'm insanely jealous that you're getting to fish so much! ( But none the less I wish you luck mate... I've never fished the North lake or Sandy... Strange when you think I only live ten minutes from the CEMEX lakes!! Are they both back to being syndicate waters?
  3. Good Morning all... As some of you know I am new to this website, and after reading countless posts and articles I'm more than happy to have chosen this site as my source of angling information and carpy banter! There are some real gentlemen on here that post threads and reply to others in such a friendly and informative manor!! It's great to see ) I'm heading down to the Sandhurst lake in Yateley this weekend, and was wondering if any members from this site are planning on wetting a line there over the weekend?!?! Looking for nothing more than a little lakeside banter with brew in hand and maybe a few carp in the net Paul
  4. Just read your piece about the shocking condition the fish were in when caught.... ( Never nice to here these types of stories!! It's actually made me re-think my potential lake for this year... I know it can happen at most day-ticket waters but surely not all of them...?!?!?!
  5. Thanks for your speedy reply.... I gathered it's not the most difficult of waters judging by the stock levels and catch reports but for me I always like to know what surface my bait is resting on.. Have never been one for turning up and chucking it anywhere, but maybe that'll work at Thorpe Lea!! Will do a little 'searching' and see what I can find..... ) Thanks again Paul
  6. Greetings all.... After going a long time without wetting the lines, I'm craving the coming season and looking forward to getting a bend in the rods!! I've been looking for venues to fish at weekends, and the occasional night and came across Thorpe Lea in Egham. I read somewhere that google maps was a good source to find the features in the lake?!?! Have tried it and can't seem to see any?!?! I know there are plenty of gravel bars and a deep hole on the motorway bank side but would appreciate a little help as I'm not one for turning up for a day session and smashing about with a marker float!! Any suggestions would be much appreciated ) Paul
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