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  1. Hi I live in leeds, but do most of my fishing in n yorks. I find it better up there
  2. Hi I am starting my 3rd season of fishing. I use the method feeder and my largest fish last season was a 13lb carp at willitofts. Where do you suggest i try this season? I am targetting 12-15lb carp, whilst using method feeder on 8lb line. Which places do you suggets i visit in Yorkshire to achieve my goals this season please? Ive been to woodlands, the oaks, willitofts, pool bridge, lindholme and willows any advice would be very much appreciated thanks david
  3. thanks which lake, west??? which pegs are best for going after the carp on method feeder please?
  4. Hi, which are your best lakes in yorkshire please. ive been angling for 2 years now and am after 12lb carp pls advise ta david
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