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Everything posted by hookedoncarp

  1. Ahh the chod rig, It was myself who started the pinned post i think last year asking about a leadcore free alternative. Since then the chod rig or naked chod is now my number one choice of rigs to use if im unfamiliar with lakes or even if i need a rig which i have huge confidence in. Last year i had never used the choddy at all, but nearly all of my catches nowadays come from a choddy or a solid bag rig. Excellent rig in my eyes and this is from someone who had always avoided it until i got the nake set up working the way i wanted it. I still donts use leadcore either.
  2. cheers dalthegooner
  3. Ok thanks, im sure i saw on a video a guy using N-trap soft for the boom (kinda supple) and what basically amounts to a chod rig on the end for the stiff element.
  4. Has anyone out there used the hinged stiff rig with a supple section boom? Reason im thinking of using it this way is to fish is on a lead clip system and if this was to dive in weed id like to think the supple boom would lay over the weed and the stiff section would still be presented well?
  5. Morning all, im in the market for a new stove. What have you all got and would you recommend? Ives heard good things about the jetboil but a bit expensive for me.
  6. It gets a lot of stick but if you want a simple, no nonsense rig you cant go wrong with the chod rig.
  7. If your talking about line to make your rigs out of you'd want something like Fox Zig & Floater Hooklink Line as its very very light line and made for the job. If your talking about line from the lead to your reel i guess use what your comfortable with.
  8. In all honesty id wait for the Nash adjustable float kit. I have the fox one and there's nothing wrong with it but feels a bit bulky. The Nash one is very discreet. Seems as if its been given a bit more thought. Out this year i believe.
  9. Cork is a good idea. Never thought of that. I use bakers complete too. Was going to try soaking them in marmite and water then letting them dry overnight... A bit more attraction might be good?
  10. Fair enough... ive never done it that way thats all. Will give it a go.
  11. I didn't say they didn't work, i was kind of asking if you was using the zig as a surface bait then what would you use as free offerings? Common sense says the hook bait should be the same as the free offerings but if this isn't true than id like to know.
  12. I doubt you'll find much about surface fishing with zig bugs because i reckon people are only just trying this out as they're originally meant for zig rigs. I guess they'd work as a surface bait too but what would you use to tempt the carp to take your hookbait? When i surface fish i use mixers... but before the rig goes in i get them feeding, then they are more likely to trip up and take my bait.
  13. Hi, i know this has been asked before but the thread looked a little dated. Im looking to get onto a syndicate or a club water in the Peterborough area. All the ones ive found so far seem to have a long waiting list or the baliff wants to know what you eat for breakfast before he lets you in. Any help would be appreciated.. thanks.
  14. I was asking about this not long ago... its something i plan to start this spring/summer.. might see you about
  15. ahh i didn't realise that, i thought the fish would be as deep as possible in the winter. Honestly ive only tried a zig once and i felt it wasn't right so i took it out, but i think with an adjustable it could give me a lot more options quickly. I.E i could change the depth every hour, starting just under the surface and moving down a foot at a time every hour.. might work?
  16. Ohhh, i put soon upon us. Technically it is (March time) but from judging the weather outside i can see your point
  17. Are you Sure... Never done Zig Fishing so will be interested to read this thread I reckon so yeah, as people have said above all it is, is a surface system set up but with a lead attached... creating an anchor point of which will allow you to pull the inteceptor (or float) under to the desired distance. Its something i personally have just thought of, so i dont know for sure whether itll work, but from what members have said above it could and would. Worth giving a bash if you ask me.
  18. Your right zammmo, altho i guess the lead would just have to be suitable enough to outweigh that of the inteceptor. It would then be enough to sink it all.
  19. Hi All, as spring is soon upon us and is thought to be the best time for zigging, i thought id give it a bash this year. So naturally ive been looking at the adjustable zig rig. I can see that fox do a kit which enable the adjustable system for around 12 quid. Which i thought was great.. ill buy it, but on closer inspection the float which comes with the kit seemed very similar to the korda inteceptor surface system. Something which i already own... so here's my proposed idea. Not sure if its been thought of before but if not... YOUR WELCOME! If you use your inteceptor along which a 3oz lead, surely this will create the same effect as what fox etc are packaging as a completely new product? Obviously ive just thought this up.. so im open to suggestions and whether people have tried this before. If your unsure of what im talking about have a look here... http://www.foxint.com/catalogues-products.php?section=1&product=2288&catalogue=1 click on the more tab and you'll get a diagram. im sure this'll work. Steve
  20. Thanks for the info mate, ive not fished it yet. Ive heard of alot of people fishing from the island. It seems to be the best place... probably where the fish feel the safest. A pike you say... when i used to fish the fletton end of the lake when i was a nipper i kept getting cut off by pike snatching my catches before i got them in. I think there used to be a lot of pike in there.. but sadly like most places around Peterborough all the pike seem to be disappearing. Might go down with a spinner and see if i can lure anything out... if you dont mind pm me a few more details of where you saw the pike. cheers
  21. Just to update you on Bluebell... I guess its luck of the draw. Two of us blanked on a 24 hr session... yet the same person i fished with banked a 22lber in a four hour session. I put a little time into Bluebell last year and didn't have one fish out. I will be trying much harder this year as its only a 20minute drive from my house.
  22. Hi all, has anyone fished LB1 Pit in Peterborough lately? Im thinking of going this spring/summer time. Ive read a lot of forums online which are now quite old, on this site and others. Has anyone got any up-to-date info on the lake? ie, fishing well, methods etc. From what i have read, people seem to see a lot of the carp on the top... so i was thinking possibly some surface fishing for the biggies... i guess they could be basking though and not interested in feeding. Also i know of the danger/theft which happens down there.. or is said to happen. I live a mile from this place and have never fished it for carp. Any info would be great...cheers.
  23. The lakes your designing... are they going to be in the Peterborough area?
  24. Hi all ive been trying out the blowback rig of which ive had some success on but as of late im finding that the fish are getting away. I can pretty much put this down to the bad rigs i built. So before i go ahead and build a few more BB rigs, does anyone use the KD rig? if so how do you find it? the benefits between the two rigs seem similar (i.e anti-eject hook) but im hearing that the KD gets a better hook hold.
  25. Great venue, however as stated above the place seems to get more and more expensive each year. Ive fished 6 islands there which has some nice sized carp and catfish. Also fished seadyke a lot which is a runs water day ticket only which is a lot of fun. Also again as stated above cafe and the reservoir have been joined together which look good. There is always a lot going on there to improve the venue but i now struggle to want to pay the fees they ask. Its around 35 quid membership and then around 25 quid per 24 hours (roughly). I can fish elsewhere much cheaper which is a shame really as i really like the place and its not too far from me.
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