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Everything posted by bart2000

  1. In most forms of course fishing the hooklink is usually a lower breaking strain than the mainline so if a break occurs it's the hooklink that snaps, the fish isn't trailing tackle and you don't lose your float/lead etc. In carp fishing there seems to be a tendency towards hooklinks being a higher BS than the mainline, and I was wondering why this is? If you used a lower BS hooklink then the same would apply as above, and this would reduce the risk of carp trailing leads. Given the threads on here about fixed/semi fixed lead clips and leadcore etc, wouldn't a lower BS hooklink make more sense? Do you use a higher BS hooklink than your mainline, and if so why?
  2. If it is Lenton then you can get a free day ticket. Details here: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=46616
  3. Newlands AC and Vauxhall AC both have lakes near Linear Fisheries. Or maybe a Cemex spring ticket for the Reading area?
  4. In 'The Secret Carp' there is pretty much a whole chapter devoted to criticising modern carp fishing. That was slightly uncomfortable reading, however I enjoy his books and I think they're more about the spirit and essence of fishing rather than the mechanics of it. His writing style and books may not be to everyones taste, but those with a slightly rose-tinted romantic view of angling (like me) love them
  5. I'm looking at travelling outside my local area (north Oxon) this year, and as Northampton is about 3/4 hour away I've been looking into Nene Valley venues. I'm looking for something 3+ acres, either a runs water for day sessions or maybe something a little more challenging. I don't know the area at all, but I've found a few venues on t'internet (Stanwick, Manvell Farm, Northampton Nene AC). Does anyone have any knowledge of these or other venues in the area? I'm not after too much detail, just whether they're considered good places where an enjoyable days fishing can be had. Any info would be greatfully received...
  6. Welcome to the forum Paul. I think you need the downloaded Google Earth rather than the standard internet Google maps to see extra features etc. There was a thread a while ago with some more info: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=47535&highlight=google Hope this helps!
  7. Glad to see you're taking up bird spotting. It's good to have other interests aside from carp fishing.
  8. Looks like the RSPB own all or part of it http://www.rspb.org.uk/reserves/guide/m/middletonlakes/index.aspx which is a shame as it looks like a nice area, and not a million miles from me
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