Does anyone know of any good carp waters with 30+ fish in them that are no more than 1 hour drive from stoke.
I'm sick of fishing holes around stoke ( the swamp ! And westport lake ) need a nice water with nice fish in them.
Can anyone help me ???
Oh also 3 rods as well on them !!
Hi there
I live in stoke and was wondering how do I get a permit for SHARDLOW GRAVEL PITS, just off the A50 near the M1, lescestershire/derbyshire ???
How many fish are in them and how big are they ??
HELP !!!
Hi there I would be more than interested in being in a syndicate. I live in stoke - on - trent and I'm sick of the crap waters in the area just want a gravel pit with a good head of teens and twentys with the odd 30+ in there. If you need any help with work partys count me in !
Also while I'm here does anyone know about SHARDLOW GRAVEL PITS, just off the A50 near the M1 ? How do o get a licence and how many fish are in there ???? HELP