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    Polishing my Mallet...
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  1. Yeah Woody...Woody...is that what your sister calls you??
  2. Don't wink at me gay boy...
  3. Complain away Woody...you'll be swinging soon...when we having that duel anyway??
  4. Hahahaha...naughty woodchester you should be hung with leadcore
  5. BAN the Woodchester...he is a bad influence
  6. woody cant believe you use leadcore,ur a nasty man Tut tut !!!! Hello Chris mate Great news that everything is better Oh yes all back to normal now mate...how're you doing?
  7. woody cant believe you use leadcore,ur a nasty man
  8. Thanks mufty
  9. Right you wait till Cromwell It won't be of any use on me after you've used all its strength on smashing the ice so we can get our rods in lol Its not gonna freeze...I hope not anyway
  10. Right you wait till Cromwell
  11. I've just found some in my tackle box that I bought last year then promptly forgot about Anyone using it at the moment?? How're you tying it up, what're your thoughts?? I've searched already so don't tell me to do that or you'll get some mallet! Ta
  12. I've heard this one as well but can't seem to get a definitive answer on it??
  13. chris71


    Sounds a bit obtuse to me
  14. chris71

    zig rigs

    Say you're fishing in 12' of water, you want to fish a zig mid water, length of mono 6' long hair rig tight to hook with a pop up or bit of foam or whatever floats...straight to a leadclip or whatever set up you prefer...or buy one of the adjustable set ups good I guess as you can keep altering the depth without changing hooklength
  15. Only one type of mallet...mahoosive of course!!
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