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  1. been once never again as long as i have a hole in my backside
  2. pvt matty we said we would never speak of it again ive got to lie down in a darkend room for days all joking aside what do you think with your limited knowlege
  3. most of my fishing is a week at a time so you tend to see apattern form over the week . i have had the odd fish during the day but all if not most are at night , is this because the rigs are not seen at night .the lakes i fish are 35-40acers in size 4-6ft deep manliy clay bottomed itry to keep my rigs simple and match the lakebed as well as the next man, are we catching more at night becuase the rig is nigh on invisible
  4. most carp caught at night would not see your rig as apposed to daylight. my point being are carp more off there guard at night, on some waters.
  5. just a thought we are all trying to disguise our rigs out of site from the carp .but from past experiance most of my fish are caught at night or low light levels early morning or dusk . i wonder what sort of ratio of carp captures are at night on waters allowing day and night fishing.
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