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  1. Cheer's bob,for the reply on bosmere. As for hill farm ,i think it was shut down for 2 week's and has only just opened again. The fish that were pulled out, when i was there, i think were old & maybe were sitting on the bottom, before rising to the top. Just a shame & a bit of a worry, as it was a good little water to catch plenty of carp. Just hope they sort it out ,because they had a big fish kill on there strawberry farm lake last year, That again was a good little lake with some nice size fish,which i think for the most part died off. For me they are my local lake's, and would be a shame to have further problem's.
  2. Hi sorry to jump on post, but i am looking to fish bosmere v soon. I am only able to do day session's and would like to know what would be some good tactics for a day session. Im looking to maybe take one carp rod and fish with maybe pop ups. And maybe do a method on my other rod , but set this up on my barbel rod ,just to keep active:) Also i don't know if any fms members are aware but hill farm have had a lot of fish death's. I was up there yesterday( 25th aug) and the baliff pulled four out & said there was many more that he had pulled out. I must say it still fished well , i had 15 carp out in about 4 hours , but not good news
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