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  1. i no carnt understand it
  2. letter came today sayin they aint takin any new members on
  3. I have recently sent two letters to join there pool its been a few 4 weeks and havent heard anything any ideas
  4. you must of been the lads before us that wrote it on the shed oppersite the willow
  5. i had a great week i had 4 fish 23\ common 36.12 44.4 56.5 mirror carnt wait 2 get back there
  7. 2 mins away from me it was drained a few years ago thers alot of small carp in there i think its about £120 for the year i no a few lads on there an you can night fish to
  8. is it day ticket or syndicate
  9. Maggots worth a shot caught before on them i like last peg
  10. we have booked up to fish carp quarry in brittany france in august has any1 bin there any info wud b great
  11. wer is it m8 not the pools that r inside sand quarry
  12. any info on this lake
  13. yes mate
  14. ive joined the borrow pit jst carnt wait 2 do a few nights dwn there any1 else on there
  15. Yea seen him am of 2 c him again at end of month 2 pay membership jst hope all goes well an catch sum nice fish
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