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Everything posted by lewbird

  1. wimblington near march cambs?
  2. buy yourself some pipe lagging, the grey stuff that plumbers use, it has a split down the middle which a hook fits nicely into, and then wrap the line round and secure with a pin! Cheap but very very effective.
  3. Cheers nash_gadgeteer! Anyone else with fishing methods to use here? Lewbird
  4. Can anybody help me out.... I understand the lake is run by vixen angling club, but that is all I know, I'm struggling to find out any information. Anybody have any details of the lake? Tight lines
  5. ahh sounds like rio is the lake to visit, would that be the large lake that i walked round on the left a u drive in? is it a runss water by the sounds of it
  6. good job he never sasw me walking around today then. wats the size of the carp in there? heard there is a cat water aswel?
  7. ahh thanks. have you fished it, or heard of any results?
  8. i also drive past this lake and had a walk around it today, it was dead, nobody onsite at all, has anybody got any informationn on this lake?
  9. i ovisly know how to connect hoops to mainline, was aasking what was the best way for lead core!
  10. hello, ive jus brought myself a pre made leadcore setup. the question is that it is a looped end, how do i tie this to my mainline, ?
  11. Sounds to be a good lake to fish, do you know when the membership runs to?
  12. Ahhh, not fishing very well thn, I'm looking at joining next year and fishing 6 islands, is it hard fishing? Do you know much on methods and bait to use?
  13. Thts the lake I ment, when does it close then, heard anything on how its fishing?
  14. recently (in the last month or sooo) thy have opened a new carp lake, just wondering if anybody has fished it yet?
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