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  1. iv been looking 4 a club syndicate to join for about 3 years and i didnt have loads of money nor time to go but if you want decent fishing u gota pay the money, all these cheap 150 quid a year fishery's are cheap for a reason just save for a year or so going to day tickets and save some money then you'll be fine otherwise you'll be posting on forums for years trying to find one
  2. hi went over there a few days ago and spent a good few hours over there getting info off anglers who where fishing was wondering if anyone on this forum has info aswell i am looking at doing a few nights over there once the carp stop spawning cheers
  3. id take one there but im quite lazy lol there is a 2nd car park right at the end of whalf road on the right where the square lake is and theres about 4 swins where u can park right next to but they dont really have much features 4 the squre you want to go into a corner ideally but as i said its quite easy to catch anywhere
  4. yes fish there a lot the main lake is harder but holds bigger fish but its mainly cut off because of members so can be frustrating, biggest is around 38lb i believe but if its your first time id have a go on the square lake before hitting the main when your there ask a few locals about the main lake they will give you info on how to fish the main, biggest in square lake is around 30lb good head of big doubles and maybe over 50 20+ carp in there and membership is years long iv been trying to get a application for about 2 years and they just aint giving them out if you fish the square lake make sure you take some dog mixer and some bread they go mad for zigs over there and fish slack lines good luck let me know how you get on also avoid going on weekends and bank holidays as gets packed out hope this helps
  5. yh iv been trying to get on the warren for a while i fished there since i started lol waiting list is years long and there not giving out applications shame as i know how to fish there i googled it and found a few lakes that are day ticket but run like a syndicate lake one is bentley fishery in ongar and the other is in kent but thats quite far to travel just trying to get some applications for some but everytime i get close theres a thing in the way that stops me iv even asked that ill do extra work for them but no joy
  6. hi can anyone recommend a carp fishing syndicate in essex area thurrock area im on a budget of about 200-300 a year max cheers
  7. i fish here quite a lot since he has made the lake bigger its not fishing as well i gave fishing there a rest so that the fish could get to know there surroundings but going to start going there again soon iv not really had any big carp from there had a few decent cats out tho biggest being 48lb samllest being around 30lb also seem a few nice carp over 20lb its a very good lake and jason always helps you out if your finding it hard catching
  8. hi mate some waters you can fish that are really good first the warren in stanford le-hope has carp to 36lb + pike to 30lb+ and also has a runs water aswell witch has fish ranging from 12lb -28lb good fun if you get on the fish and dont use too much bait and u carnt night fish unless a member. and secoundly crow green in brentwood small lake with massive catfish to 70lb carp ranging from 14lb up to 30lb but this is a water mainly for catfish so allways use backleads and try not to fish out your comfot zone this can be night fish once you get to know the owners they will go on first imprestion. and if you want a proper runs water then china lane balphan has a lake there where youll have loads of carp out there and they also have catfish aswell to about 50lb i belive carp are mixed mirrors and commons and there is a few nice size ghoast carp in there that you can see swimming on the surface in hot weathers this is only a day ticket pm me if you want any more info on any lakes
  9. hi mate if you go on to google maps put this in and its there 51.531956,0.249991 its aveley road mate
  10. there is 3 lake on the site its right next the paint balling delta force some people mistake it for aveley lakes but that about a mile up the road
  11. priors fishery bush farm
  12. just joined a lake in aveley essex right next to the paintball range and was wondering if anyone know any info about this lake cheers
  13. oh yeah iv just joined the lake right next the paint ball range just trying to find out whats in there cheers anyway and can ya give me some info on the lake you are on cheers
  14. this is the lake near the paint ball range isnt it if so then im joining and i so badly need a marker rod to find all the gravel and miss the weed what baits work over there mate as im waiting for my membership to come in sould be here in a few days what sort of methods work cheers and ill see ya on the bank sometime
  15. i belive its called bush farm am i correct if so iv just become a member and i dont know nothing about this lake at all all i know is my couison had a 16lb goast carp out of there
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