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    Out Fishing !!!

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  1. http://www.ibstocktackle.co.uk/Tuckers-Fishery-3-w.asp
  2. Does any1 have any info on the other lake in desford ? is it open yet ? this is the 1 i mean http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&xhr=t&q=52.646587,-1.301801&cp=19&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl
  3. Don't no if it's Measham and District Angling Club or not, trying to find out myself Have seen carp down there ,last summer Think it's Shackerstone & District Angling club but carn't find a number etc
  4. Depends which lake ur on about ?? if its the private one, then theres a number on the gate at the top on the byway . The other one, i think u get tickets from richards tackle shop in coalville Never fished them ,so not a clue whats in there
  5. Yep will try that 1st cheers They said theres only about 5 ppl who fish it aswell
  6. Well been back down today armed with sum bread and yeah there is Carp in it Then heard someone, so walked around and there were two blokes fishing so asked them can i fish it ?? they said its Private however did tell me who owns it So what now ?? rit
  7. Does the link not work ?? Don't no thats what im trying to find out ,didn't see any carp when i walked around it
  8. Anyone got any info on this pond ?? http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=52.77461,-1.409004&num=1&t=h&z=15&vps=1&jsv=268b&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=6.881357,14.941406&hl=en&abstate=A:actbar-saveto
  9. Whats the biggest fish in there ? or what size do they go upto ?
  10. Never actually fished it yet, my mate told me about it ages ago . The only numbers i have are the ones on the gate 01455822208 07801530480
  11. http://www.grangefarmairsoft.co.uk Went and had a look about a month or 2 ago and there was 5 ppl fishing it.
  12. Night fished it 23rd of july got there about 4pm ,had about 25 out, all mirrors biggest was 18lb , all caught on floating dog biscuit off the surface
  13. Hi ,Do you mean the one where they have airsoft ?? grange farm
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