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  1. Hi Guys im looking for a new place to fish, last year i only managed a couple of weekends due to the birth of my son and i blanked on all of em (febuary, and december) im looking for a place thats a little bit easier than my regular as i really need to catch lol. Im looking for somewhere within 30-45 mins of purfleet that allows night fishing. i like lakes that have the swims far apart and are really natural looking (lots of tree's, bushes etc), i cannot stand fishing in a puddle in the ground its soulless. any ideas??? thanks in advance.
  2. thanks, a girl came past when I was fishing and said that her and her fella had been catching roach and bream from the other side of the disused bridge but that they got kicked off as its private so I'm confident that fish are feeding near my pre-baiting spot.
  3. OK, so had a complete mare today. missus was dropping me off at walthamstow reservoirs, anyway halfway there I realise I haven't brought my wallet. NO cash NO license. Gets back to the house and now I know I'm not going to get a decent swim so I decide to fish canary wharf dock were I live. Set up cast out, relaxing with a brew "hi mate you fishing here?" "erm well yes" "no one fishes this dock nothing ever comes out" . I persevered and earned a well deserved blank although I did bait a little area that looks promising as I left 8 hours later(lil red tiny worms coming in on the rig, and under a little wooden disused bridge) and plan to do so every other day this week. i will catch a carp from the dock with no fish
  4. bump, is this a good place to fish still?, can it be fished on a day ticket?
  5. Hi guys, I am going fishing on Monday and the missus has offered to drop me at a lake of my choice BUT she cannot pick me up. So i was thinking of fishing the walthamstow reservoir's because I think its only a 15-20 minute walk from the train station (is that correct?). Can anyone recommend another lake where I can get home by train after? I don't mind the ressies but have fished there years ago and did not like it (its so harsh). Anyway thanks in advance guys
  6. sorry for double post, but if you are after a runs water with fish to 20lb+ china lane is the one, the fish love it on top as well as the bottom and you are nearly guarantee'd a fish from there. here is a map of all the fishing venues in essex most are within an hour of you http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF&msa=0&msid=100875891508321499830.000456135cc8221872811 btw if you can please add any lakes you know of to this map, as its an invaluable tool when looking for new venues. thanks
  7. hah just saw this thread. i have just signed up to fish the docks at canary wharf for membership print out the form at this address http://www.isleofdogsangling.btik.com/p_Form.ikml If anyone here has fished the docks in canary wharf PLEASE give me a few tips, i am going to fish them as soon as my permit arrives, but they are about 70 foot deep in places, the only guys i have seen on the bank are match guys catching little silvers but there are definitely carp in there. I was thinkning waggler about 10 feet down but, is it possible to catch carp on the bottom at this depth???????????
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