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  1. Cheers Buzzbomb, thanks for letting me know. The event is open to all Ex serving members as well as current serving....Hope to find a few in the future Cheers Tim
  2. I cant believe there is NO one on this site in one of the groups and is not interested..?? Shame but never mind
  3. Guys Just wondering if there is anyone on this site from: Army Navy RAF Ex - any above Police Fire Service Ambulance Ex - any above Civil Servant MOD Employee MOD Contractor Ex - any above Surely there is a few guys out there?????? If so get in touch this event is FOR you and you want regret it....I promise. Bev Clifford described it as the best event she has ever attended...!!! Do you need any more encouragement than that..!!! Get in touch ASAP... Cheers Tim
  4. Guys We still have spaces available for both the June & October events so if you are interested then please let me know.??? regards Tim
  5. Guys After the great success of this years Summer FCC we are please to annouce that we will be running the event again in June 2015. The competition is open to all serving & Ex members of the Armed Services but also the Emergency Services. The main details are as follows: a. Venue - Abbey Lakes, France. b. Length - 130+hrs. c. Format - Pairs event. d. Cost - £330.00 per person (£50 deposit cheque/Bank transfer spread available) e. Prizes - £2000+ in cash prizes available . f. Food - Food Delivery for the whole duration available. g. BBQ - 2 x free BBQs’ on the evening before the event and midway point. Email us at: forcescarpclassic@hotmail.co. for the event entry forms. Out normal Winter event is running for the seventh time this year as normal. Cheers Tim FCC Co-Organiser
  6. Hi Guys We have had a pair pull out so there is a space free. We know its a bit late but talk to us if your interested you wont be disappointed I promise..!! Cheers Tim
  7. Ouchthathurt, I know that feeling bud I left in May last year, been in one job for 9 months but left just recently...!!! Now unemployed..!!! Yes we have tried Soldier and in other Corps Mags but just keep trying as many different places as possible. If you log in with our website, at least you will know what's coming up in the future and can then maybe attend or not??? Best of luck, Tim
  8. Think you might well qualify ouchthathurt..!! Be great to have you on board either in June event or even the October event?? What about next year in October??? 7P's...!! Have you got any NHS / Nurse contacts..?? Anyone I can contact would be brilliant Cheers Tim
  9. That's opened up to ANYONE now...!!
  10. Guys Thanks for the emails and places have been taken. Sadly the Armed Forces bug has struck yet again and we have a couple of pairs places yet again...!!! If you are interested (again) then please get in touch as soon as possible. Cheers Tim
  11. Guys We have had a couple of drop outs and there are now a couple of pairs places available for our June event, October is fully booked but a reserve list is in operation. if you are interested then please let me know or follow the link to our website for all the details. Cheers Tim
  12. Guys Just wanted to let you know that if your interested in this event for next year then you will need to be quick to gaureentee a place: 1. FCC (Summer) 31 May - 07 Jun 24 Places although 20 are already taken. 2. FCC (Winter) 11 - 18 Oct 42 Places although 36 are already taken. So as you can see places are few and far between all you need to do is pay the deposit (which is refundable) to book your place. Visit our website at www.forcescarpclassic.co.uk for even more details. Cheers Tim
  13. Guys the final results from this years Forces Carp Classic (5 - 12 Oct) were as follows: 1. 214 fish caught in total. 2. 205 Mirror & Common carp caught to 67lbs from Fox & Humpy 3. 9 Catfish caught to 107lbs from Kingfisher 4. 4803lbs 15ozs of carp caught to 31 pairs 5. 8 pairs blanked out of 39 total 6. Winning pairs weight from Fox at 592lbs from peg 6 7. Second place weight from Wildboar at 582lbs from peg 1 (on the whistle they had a twenty which they thought had won it for them..!!) How close is that after a WEEKS fishing...!! Rock on Abbey, fantastic venue...!! A great weeks total from all 5 lakes on the Abbey Complex. See you all there next June & October... Tight lines Tim Gray Event Co-Organiser
  14. Guys We have 1 x pairs place left available if anyone is interested??? Due to the lateness of taking a place we can discuss with you the entry fee and how & when to pay so please do not let that put you off. Just email us for more info. Cheers Tim
  15. Guys We have had some interest but still have places. So if you are keen then please just contact me. Plus places going for next years events, in Jun & Oct so again if your keen then get in touch. Cheers Tim
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