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Everything posted by blythy

  1. Nar valley fisheries at pentney you can park in most swims on the main lake
  2. hi there,fished there a few time,love the place! i tend to fish it more in winter than summer though,think because its stream fed the fish seem to keep moving in the colder months. it can get quite weedy,but not unfishable weed. there are clear spotsbut i tend to get best results when fishing in the weed. call chris on 07876151247 he is the bailiff there,you need to call hi to book on ect,but if you called him i dont think he would have a problem with you having a walk around. P.S dont forget a barrow,its a good walk from the carpark!!
  3. yeah its only open to members december-january
  4. depends how big pasties you have
  5. P.S john wilson wrote about it in a book he did on fishing in norfolk and suffolk i think,may be worth having a look for.
  6. theres a lake close by to me with some in,mainly ghosties though. its called pocahontis lake,its in heacham in north norfolk
  7. Fluro rigs I tend to use a wide gape or chod hook,and use a braided hair. I thread the hair braid through the eye of the hook,then tie the Fluro knot less knot and trim the tag end down this nips the hair to the shank to hold it all in place. The extra movement of the hair helps the hook holds alot as the bait can eject leaving the hook prime
  8. france withoout going to france? theres a few venues in the uk that can do that! willowcroft at wisbech,cambs has carp and cats over 50lb pavyotts mill has big carp
  9. never even knew they had lakes on there!! i live just up the road in kings lynn. another place close to there is pocohontis lake at heachem,lovely lake with some stunning carp! the bloke in hunstanton tackle would be able to give you the number for there
  10. havent they just pt 2000lb of bream in lake 1? i maybe going back on there this year if the rumours of a gate going up are true. i havent got the time to put into valley this year,you can do an odd night on braddy and be in with a chance of a fish or 2
  11. nar valley weed hasnt ben a problem this last year,they have been washing alot of gravel which keeps abit of colour in the water which has kept it down. only ever geneva that gets weedy anyway,but the whole lake has been perfectly fishable the last year. Bradmoor-nice fish are few and far between,most have ruined mouths and led a hard life IMO
  12. i havent heard anything about that,i hope not too! swangey day ticket lake im assuming?
  13. still pretty much the same pearbo,the overhanging trees are the best bet for a bite,between the shop end of the lake and the first cabin on the road bank. i have fished it a couple of times on a dy ticket,fishing the first swim,fishing to the far bank and done ok
  14. how many people can you have on there? i like the idea of the huts!
  15. kingfisher at thetford? my cousins on there,its only a 30 man syndicate so theres abit of a waiting list i think,i will ask if your interested though,i could of went on there last year but decided it was just too far for me.
  16. its my birthday in september,and want to have a 48hr social with some mates. somehwere where a few runs can be had,chill out and have a beer or two! ideally an hour or so from kings lynn,in norfolk? blueebell mallard lake and cobbleacre have both been suggested? any suggestions welcome
  17. my seasons going well,didnt rejoin bradmoor,just wasnt the place for me! joined nar valley instead. had a 9lb and 13 commons from lake 3 and a 35lb mirror and a scraper 30 leather from geneva! only fished geneva the once,simply because the fish were there infront of me,couldnt miss the opertunity tbh!
  18. i had planned on lake 1,but as i passed there i spotted them,put single hookbaits out at them. i lost a big common within 10 mins of getting there,buried in the reeds. then before i had time to re tie a rig the other tore off,that was the 35. i had the 30 leather around 3.30am,then lost another around 6am! was an awsome night,not many 8hr sessions like that!
  19. the cafe lake has now been joined to the res! they took all the big carp out the res and put them in 6 island,restocked the new cafe/res with lots of smaller fish
  20. the 35 was in the evening,10 mins or so after spotting a few fish and casting at them!! the 30 was around 3am,but i didnt get a decent pic as it was spawnbound and was milking out on my mat so i slipped it back asap! bear in mind this is my first season on nar valley and was my second cast into geneva!! first cast on my other rod i lost a big common heres the 35lb [/img]
  21. hi mate,im on the valley too,love the place! only had the 2 fish so far this season,a 30lb leather and a 35lb mirror!! not bad for my one and only night on geneva so far
  22. i think all the drains hold carp to a degree,just finding them thats the problem! wissey mouth usaully produces a few.
  23. 2 mates fished it,fish a chuck between 1-3lb lol. one of them had a 18lber. everyone was being plaqued by the small fish though
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