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Everything posted by neilpedr

  1. thanks like the look of these waters
  2. gyrn castle near mostin flintshire day ticket water 24 hours £25 look up on google this is a nice place iv been fishing this place for a number of years and have never blanked ever!! a good head of carp to 30lb no carp under 10 pound if there are small caught they move to pleasure lake.
  3. hello try gyrn castle in flintshire fish up to 30lb about 300 fish 10 to 20lb look at new web site. last summer in a 24 hour sesson i baged 64 fish none lower than 10lb bigest was 26lb its unreal !!
  4. hello everyone this is my first thread looking for somewhere new to carpfish around the Wrexham area iv fished gwerrid and offa,s dyke and the pools in sonley is there any where better around ?
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