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Everything posted by tronic

  1. Fishing where curved and long shanked hooks are banned.. Would this hook be classed as a curved hook? http://www.leslies-luton.co.uk/store/product/2211633/GAMAKATSU-G-POINT-SUPER-SIZE-4-PACK-10/ Is for a KD rig, i believe this would be the best hook to use that isn't a curve shank.... opinions? thanks all
  2. thanks for the replys guys, after having a think about this, i have realised that when not using curved hooks i have been using hooks with beaked points like SSBP or Korda wide gapes. Do you agree that using a hook with a straight point will help with hooking with KD rig?
  3. As i've had no responses, i will change my question. Has anyone had any sucess with the KD rig using hooks that aren't "a curved patten" ?? Like i said above, i did catch 2 44lb fish using korda wide gape hooks on KD rig but did feel that i missed a lot of chances as well.. thanks again
  4. Hi all, I have started using the KD Rig for a lot of my fishing and have a week booked in France on a lake where curved/longshank hooks are banned. What would be the best hook to use for this rig that fits the rules? Last year I used either korda wide gapes or nash twisters with the KD Rig and caught fish but also lost a few and had quite a lot of "runs" developing into nothing along the way. Looking back i do believe this was possibly down to not using curved hooks?? The reason i want to use the KD rig is because i have a lot of faith in it and the lake is very silty and feel this rig works well on it. Thanks for any help!!
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