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    deepest darkest devon!!!!!

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  1. Hi Tobs, Check out Emporer lakes, Milemead fisheries or Stafford moor. Hope that helps.
  2. Have a look at stafford moor in Devon. Bit of a drive from you but lovely lodges and plenty of lakes and species to go at! They did have some late deals on but not sure if they are still on offer! Hope this helps
  3. I spent a bit of time down there a couple of years ago but not really fished it since as it's not my thing though a mate of mine does fish it every now and again. Theres a big bar that runs from the island to the smaller islands on the left hand side of the lake (from the shop) and this can often be a good place to start putting a bait at the bottom rather than on top with a boilie that they sell on site. My favourite peg was 10 which has the main island and a deep hole off to the left to fish to (always done ok here.) A bait boat is an advantage if your fishing to the island as the fish tend to mainly take baits that are very close to it. Carp wise i'm not sure what the biggest fish is but the average around 13lb. They can be quite moody fish at times but I think this is probably due to the pressure. There are quite a few cats present though I only ever managed a small one of about 7lb. I think they go upto 40lb ish but am not sure. There's no dead baiting allowed but the cats will quite happily pick up Halibuts and Boilies and I believe the record came out on corn Its quite small around 1.5acres and muddy in colour. It's quite well looked after and Jerry the owner is a nice bloke and will help you out where he can. Hope this helps
  4. Hi Andy, used to fish it a bit in my younger year! The lake is very deep so stick to the margins with really smelly bait due to the colour of the water! The fish like to hang around in the snags so that's always a good bet. Fish wise not sure on numbers but believe they go to around 24lb. Simple silt type rigs because you at right the bottom is pretty much very soft clay! Hope this helps
  5. It's a really nice little well run fishery. Can't praise it enough. Have fun down their
  6. Hi mate. Think I work with your mate Chris from Honiton? Ya cant go far wrong with the far margin mate, as tight as you can get it. Keep rigs simple and don't over do the bait. It tends to fish better at night. This time of year Red Maggot tends to fish well but in the spring the fish love baits from the Mainline range as this is what the shop sells and what mainly goes in. If ya do know Chris i've passed on what I know to him
  7. I'll keep my rigs the same, maybe use a flurocarbon hooklink if the waters really clear. Tactic wise the deeper water tends to be where the fish hold up in the colder months on my club lake, not to hopefull though, it did 1 fish last year through dec, jan and feb mind you saying that it was a paticually nasty winter, brrrrrrr.
  8. Enterprise do a glow in the dark corn that can be charged up with a special torch. Will work better and be safer for the fish imo
  9. This just goes to show that every water is different, though i would say that sun up is def a brilliiant time on most waters. I've fished waters that very rarely produce during the day and others that prodominently fish better in the hours of sunlight, sometimes they just eat when they feel like it!!!!! Surely this is why we love our sport, because as long as there is a bait in the water, camoflauged or not, there is always a chance!!!
  10. Hiya chap, I'm from down devon way but can't say i've heard of the place. If ya looking for somewhere nice to fish check out, Staffrod Moor or Milemead! Both can be fished on day tickets and both have Great websites!
  11. check out the sw lakes trust website they've got a few little gems up your way i think and a few massive resivoirs chucked in for good measure
  12. There's a few knocking about down here, spend half hour hunting the net, that should turn up a few to have a chuck at have a look at stafford moor, nice runs water with a few crackers.
  13. food for thought gents and something that i seem to have over looked. So to pin the line down within the vicinity of the rig blobs of putty spaced a metre behind the lead?????? Can't belive that if a product is that dangerous it has been allowed to remain on the market for such a long period of time??? I always thought large companys such as mentioned would be at the forefront of carp fishing and carp fishing safety
  14. I agree that the piece of tubing, where the tail rubber goes is too long (assuming that this is why you think that they are dangerous because the tail rubber will take some serious pressure to come off) but i always spit on the section where the tail rubber goes and never push it all the way down, this coupled with a quick test before castin out ensures the rig is compleatly safe
  15. just a thought guys that if we do away with all forms of tubing, leadcore, leaders etc and replace them with putty direct to the mainline wont this lie flush to to the bottom and give the potential to chafe and damage the line???? espacially when the fish picks up the bait and runs with it??? I know that this won't be the case everytime but we can't be compleatly sure what we are fishing over 100% of the time or when fishing over gravel. I use leadcore leaders for 90% of the time and buy the ESP ready made up ones that i know are compleatly safe for the fish if the worst happens. I have all the different colours to suit every type of lake bed and it just gives me that little extra confidence that everything is pinned down and strong against any sharp objects on the lakebed
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