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Everything posted by suffolksteve

  1. went on tuesday & had 15 roach . i would say this place is a very nice place to fish . many thanks for putting me on to hall farm steve. roll on sat till my next visit
  2. can someone tell me how much it is at hall farm for 2 rods & can you use a feed there as it say no groundbait . as every time i ring her she never comes to the phone thanks steve
  3. i see have 2 lakes at hall farm which 1 would you say is the best 1 to fish many thanks stephen
  4. do any boby know where cedar farm is . all i know is in norfolk or suffolk many thanks stephen
  5. any one know a good lake near gt yarmouth & what size carp many thanks stephen
  6. hello i have just started to fish there , i have been using the house pond & the 3 island lake, been catching some nice fish
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