sean, there are three ponds at this fishery the 1st and 2nd dams are available on a yearbook which is around £90 per year, the dams do have a closed season and no night fishing allowed, however some decent sized fish are present in both. If you ever get chance to go to the place in summer take a loaf of bread and walk up the road separating the dams until you reach the small bridge. You can feed the fish here and fish upto 25-30lb can be seen however no fishing unfortunately. The third dam here does allow night fishing but the ticket is at the mo £380 p/y i think?? this is where the larger carp are, i think that 2 seasons ago the dam was stocked with a 42 but this fish struggled to keep the weight. tickets have to be bought from wentworth estat office, hope this is at least some help. Ryan