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    fishing, shooting, digging

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  1. i'm sorry but that is an unnfair comment to make. The korda wide gape is the most used carp hook on the market,and i haven't yet (touch wood) dropped a fish on a sharp wide gape. i no you are entitled to your opinion but i thought saying they're rubbish is a bit unfair. its only a hook mate, due to the hooks not being individually packed they tend to rub together over time losing sharpness, as i said thats my oppinion, didn't mean to upset you in any way
  2. gardner mugga always hold solid for me on pop ups, however im suprised nobody has mentioned nash fang twister, sharpest hooks ive seen. The whole korda range are rubbish and very prone to hookpulls which ive witnessed, just my oppinion though
  3. cheers bud. website took my fancy so thought id give it a go, its oni 180 for a week there so i thought whats to loose, mainswel give it a go, hoping to get a 30 from the place but who knows whats to happen
  4. just recently booked a trip to valdore, have watched some footage on utube and read a few forum threads on the place but have read mixed views. Just wondered if anybody had been here and could give their honest opinion of fishing, facilities etc Thanks Ryan
  5. sean, there are three ponds at this fishery the 1st and 2nd dams are available on a yearbook which is around £90 per year, the dams do have a closed season and no night fishing allowed, however some decent sized fish are present in both. If you ever get chance to go to the place in summer take a loaf of bread and walk up the road separating the dams until you reach the small bridge. You can feed the fish here and fish upto 25-30lb can be seen however no fishing unfortunately. The third dam here does allow night fishing but the ticket is at the mo £380 p/y i think?? this is where the larger carp are, i think that 2 seasons ago the dam was stocked with a 42 but this fish struggled to keep the weight. tickets have to be bought from wentworth estat office, hope this is at least some help. Ryan
  6. Just wondering if any body had any info on this place, regarding carp stock and fish sizes, i am relatively close to the place but have never fished it before, however was thinking of giving it a go as i am looking for a few harder waters to fish this season, Thanks Ryan
  7. just wondering if anybody has any knowledge on this place, drove past the other day and was just wondering if the place could be fished and if so how, Cheers Rye
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