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  • Location
    chasing the sun
  • Interests
    only fishing

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  1. hi mate yes under the bridge on the bawtry to gains road, was very weedie, also try down near sliuge gates just past candy corner fishery had some cracking evenings there last summer
  2. last summer i used jelly babies but found red one,s where the best, also only worked in summer
  3. hi mate send me a pm with your phone i have a mate who goes every year to bill,s
  4. it could be a inline lead on his main line down to a popup rig,,i don,t know the name
  5. is retford in notts tofar
  6. hi cobleyn does it have to be in south derbyshire
  7. hi all can anbody tell me the advantages of useing a chod rig over a pop up rig i have read articles in carp mags where a short chod rig is better than a short pop up i fish a short pop up on a slack line so i am confused why a chod rig is better thanks paul
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