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Everything posted by windrusher

  1. I don' know if this is any help, it's a quote taken from another forum: "There have been some rumours doing the rounds about Boyers Pit. Becontree & District Angling Societies water in Dagenham Essex none of the rumours have any truth in them. The society as from today 20th. December 2013 has secured and signed a new lease for 15 years. The water will remain members only with a restricted carp section as has been the case since 1984. Application forms are usually available from Robertsons Tackle Oxlow Lane Dagenham Essex . The society has had control of this water since 1930. "
  2. What do you want to know?
  3. No, no and no.
  4. Bit negative, care to elaborate? Am guessing your feelings are connected to this though: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=49288 ?
  5. You are right, my mistake, sorry. A note to myself: I must learn to read posts more thoroughly before commenting. I must learn to read posts more thoroughly before commenting. I must learn to read posts more thoroughly before commenting. I must learn to read posts more thoroughly before commenting. I must learn to read posts more thoroughly before commenting. I must learn to read posts more thoroughly before commenting. I must learn to read posts more thoroughly before commenting. I must learn to read posts more thoroughly before commenting. I must learn to read posts more thoroughly before commenting. I must learn to read posts more thoroughly before commenting. I must learn to read posts more thoroughly before commenting. I must learn to read posts more thoroughly before commenting. I must learn to read posts more thoroughly before commenting. I must learn to read posts more thoroughly before commenting. I must learn to read posts more thoroughly before commenting. I must learn to read posts more thoroughly before commenting. I must learn to read posts more thoroughly before commenting. I must learn to read posts more thoroughly before commenting. I must learn to read posts more thoroughly before commenting. I must learn to read posts more thoroughly before commenting. I must learn to read posts more thoroughly before commenting. I must learn to read posts more thoroughly before commenting. I must learn to read posts more thoroughly before commenting......
  6. I'm not saying you're wrong but I think the major fish kill was in the summer of 2009. The specimen lakes are pretty prolific, IMO no need to bivvy up, best just to fish them from late evening til midnight(ish). Pat's gets the most pressured but has the biggest carp (and cats), I'd guess averaging 15-18lbs. Nelson's lakes (two small pools) is fished a lot less, carp average 12-16lbs. Bait wise, make your hook baits big to avoid nuisance fish, there are millions of roach and skimmers, boilies 18mm+ or 20mm+ pellets. Tactics, just fish tight to features (islands, lillies etc), use a fairly large pva bag loaded with mixed pellets and a few broken boilies (if using boilies as hook bait). To get around the lo-oil carp pellet only rule regards free offerings, simply soak your pellets in a bit of halibut or salmon oil because no one else will be using oily pellets, it gives you a real edge. Like Cobelyn suggested, fishing the pleasure/match lakes in the evenings can pay real dividends and stalking is good on those lakes. Best being Pollawyn and Sycamore, as Jenny's and Eery are now full of pasty sized fish and F1's.
  7. It does say a lot about us... the fishing is a lot harder up here. There arent that many waters you can just drop on with a good head of twenties...not like that there soft "sarf", where they wriggle up onto the bank. Here's a water that should fit your criteria, and its t'up in tha reet 'ard norf Plenty of high teens/low twenties: http://www.ashmore.u-net.com/lakemore.htm
  8. Fishery: Farnborough House lake, nr Banbury. Description: 4 acre estate lake. Stocking: Carp to low twenties, tench, bream and silvers. Price: £35 per year, day tickets on bank £6 or in advance £5. Contact details: Ask at local tackle shops. (Banbury Gunsmiths and Castaway both Banbury) Pros: Good carp present, very quiet, easy/good access. Cons: Low carp numbers, jack pike that even take static boilies, no night fishing, fishing only allowed from one bank.
  9. Fishery: Marlborough pool, Cassington. Description: Mature 12 acre gravel pit. Stocking: Carp to 30lbs, good head of twenties, big bream and lots of small/med tench, plus silvers. Price: £75 per year. (Abingdon and Oxford Angling Alliance) Contact details: Ask at local tackle shops. (J & K's Bicester, Predator Kidlington) Pros: Good carp present, fairly quiet mid week, easy/good access, ticket offers numerous other waters. Cons: Small tench and snotties in high numbers, busy at weekends.
  10. Obviously forgot the inclusion of a hook at end of their rig.
  11. Does anyone have knowledge of this place. After searching around on here and elsewhere, all I've read is; rats, rats, small carp, oh and more rats.... Is this a fair summary of Rookery Meadow??
  12. Fishery: Milton Pools Fishery, Great Milton, Oxford. Description: Six lakes ranging from a puddle to 3 acres (speci' lake). Stocking: Carp to a claimed 43lbs, a couple thirties, allot weighing 10 - 14lb, catfish to 33lb, bream, tench etc. Price: £6 for one rod and £10 for two, 12hrs (overnight) £12, 24hrs £20 max two rods. Contact details: http://www.miltonpoolsfishery.co.uk/newsite.html Pros: Secure parking, cafe open at weekends, tackle shop, pre-bookable swims. Cons: Road noise day and night (M40), to many small carp.
  13. Fishery: Pimlico Farm, Croughton. Description: 3 lakes of 1, 1.5 and 3.5 acres. Stocking: Carp to low twenties (though 30lb is claimed), tench and lots of silvers. Price: £5 for one rod and £6 for two, dawn til dusk only. Contact details: http://www.pimlicofarm.co.uk/fishing/index.html Pros: Parking near lake, most baits work and are allowed. Cons: Strictly no fishing once dark, hence no torches allowed on fishery! Top (big) lake gets very wind swept at times, silver fish are a nuisance (big hard baits are a must, 14mm+)
  14. Fishery: Clattercote reservoir, Claydon Banbury. Description: 25 (aprox) acres, 200 year old reservoir, with wooden decking around three sides of lake. Stocking: Carp to low twenties, average weight 10 - 12lb, bream, tench etc. Price: £6 for one rod and £10 for two, 24hrs £20 max two rods. Contact details: Bailiff 07740534892 (8.00 - 18.00) Pros: Parking near lake, easy fishing, helpful/friendly bailiff, most swims are on the decking, if you're after an easy bend in your rod this is perfect. Cons: Allot of hook damaged fish, most productive swims are off of decking, too easy, TBH its a match venue where the carp have out grown match anglers.
  15. Fishery: Nell bridge fishery, Anyho. Description: Three lakes of about 2, 2.5 and 4 acres. Stocking: Carp to high twenties, bream, tench etc. Price: £10 (2 rods) 6.00 til 21.00 day ticket on Carp lake (speci' lake), £5 (1 rod), night fishing syndicate members only. Contact details: http://www.nellbridgefishery.com/about.html Pros: Good numbers of low twenties present, plus plenty of high doubles, parking is right next to lakes, evening permits available in summer, fish in Carp lake are generally pristine condition. Cons: Very busy all day every day, bait bans, unhelpful (miserable) lake regulars, allot of fish in the Old and New lake are badly hook damaged.
  16. Fishery: Manor lake Kirtlington. Description: Mature estate lake of 8 acres. Stocking: Carp to high twenties, bream, tench etc. Price: £8 for a dawn til dusk day ticket, night fishing syndicate members only. Contact details: http://www.kirtlingtonfisheries.com/default.asp?pageRef=7 Pros: Good numbers of low twenties present, fairly quiet mid week, easy/good access, ticket offers numerous other waters. Cons: Busy at weekends.
  17. Fishery: Vauxhall pit Stanton Harcourt. Description: Mature 12 acre gravel pit. Regarded as a hard water. Stocking: Carp to low thirties, big bream and lots of small/med tench. Price: £45 for June 16th to March 14th. Contact details: http://vauxhallanglingclub.co.uk/index.htm Pros: Good carp present, fairly quiet mid week, easy/good access, ticket offers numerous other waters. Cons: Very weedy, no facilities, crayfish, small tench and snotties in high numbers, busy at weekends.
  18. I'm trying to build a list of fisheries in Oxfordshire, both club run and commercial but for this to work it needs others to help by contributing info, no specifics like hot swims, just general info and feed back on venues so we can all benefit from each others experiences. Fishery: Vauxhall pit Stanton Harcourt. Description: Mature 12 acre gravel pit. Regarded as a hard water. Stocking: Carp to low thirties, big bream and lots of small/med tench. Price: £45 for June 16th to March 14th. Contact details: http://vauxhallanglingclub.co.uk/index.htm Pros: Good carp present, fairly quiet mid week, easy/good access, ticket offers numerous other waters. Cons: Very weedy, no facilities, crayfish, small tench and snotties in high numbers, busy at weekends. Pimlico Farm. Description: A mature farm pond of 2 acres and two newer lakes of 1 and 5 acres. Stocking: Carp to high twenties (claims of 30's), roach, rudd, perch and tench. Price: £6 strictly dawn til dusk only, two rodsday ticket. Contact details: http://www.pimlicofarm.co.uk/fishing/index.html Pros: Good numbers of high doubles present in the big lake, fairly quiet mid week, easy/good access. Cons: Busy at weekends. Fishery: Clattercote reservoir, Claydon Banbury. Description: 25 (aprox) acres, 200 year old reservoir, with wooden decking around three sides of lake. Stocking: Carp to low twenties, average weight 10 - 12lb, bream, tench etc. Price: £6 for one rod and £10 for two, 24hrs £20 max two rods. Contact details: Bailiff 07740534892 (8.00 - 18.00) Pros: Parking near lake, easy fishing, helpful/friendly bailiff, most swims are on the decking, if you're after an easy bend in your rod this is perfect. Cons: Allot of hook damaged fish, most productive swims are off of decking, too easy, TBH its a match venue where the carp have out grown match anglers. Fishery: Milton Pools Fishery, Great Milton, Oxford. Description: Six lakes ranging from a puddle to 3 acres (speci' lake). Stocking: Carp to a claimed 43lbs, a couple thirties, allot weighing 10 - 14lb, catfish to 33lb, bream, tench etc. Price: £6 for one rod and £10 for two, 12hrs (overnight) £12, 24hrs £20 max two rods. Contact details: http://www.miltonpoolsfishery.co.uk/newsite.html Pros: Secure parking, cafe open at weekends, tackle shop, pre-bookable swims. Cons: Road noise day and night (M40), to many small carp. Fishery: Marlborough pool, Cassington. Description: Mature 12 acre gravel pit. Stocking: Carp to 30lbs, good head of twenties, big bream and lots of small/med tench, plus silvers. Price: £75 per year. (Abingdon and Oxford Angling Alliance) Contact details: Ask at local tackle shops. (J & K's Bicester, Predator Kidlington) Pros: Good carp present, fairly quiet mid week, easy/good access, ticket offers numerous other waters. Cons: Small tench and snotties in high numbers, busy at weekends. Fishery: Orchid Lakes, Berinsfield. Description: Mature 18 acre gravel pit. Regarded as a hard(ish) water and a 2 acre heavily stocked runs water. Stocking: 40 carp 30lb+, big bream and tench in main lake. Loads of small tench and bream, plus carp to high 20's and cats to 50lb+ in Club lake. Price: 24hrs - £25 for Main lake and £22 on Club lake. Contact details: http://www.orchid-lakes.co.uk/ Pros: Lots of good carp present, fairly quiet mid week, easy/good access, good facilities on site; tackle shop, cafe and showers. Cons: Can be very weedy, no facilities, tench and snotties in high numbers, busy at weekends. Fishery: Fernhill, Milcombe nr Banbury. Description: Three fairly mature lakes that are easy catch waters of about 3, 2 and 1.5 acres. Stocking: Carp to 35lb+ in the Main Lake and to high teens in the other two lakes. Plus silvers, chub, tench and bream. Price: Dawn til dusk £7, night fishing by prior arrangement only. Contact details: http://www.fernhillfarms.co.uk/ Pros: Lots of good carp present, fairly quiet mid week, easy/good access. Cons: Can be very busy at weekends.
  19. IMO one of the main problems is, the guys in tackle shop try to hard bigging it up! I fished the Old Carp lake two years ago, when I asked at shop how it's been fishing, got the usual sales speil..... Three or four twenties have come out every day for the last fortnight. Asked around on the bank and got told nothing, blank blah blah..... Its not devoid of fish but they certainly didn't appear to be as many big fish as one is led to believe. I think another fault, certainly of the pool I fished was the numbers of pest fish, necessitating the need for big baits 21mm boilies seemed the norm. Personally, after blanking on first day I opted to scale down bait size and wade through the roach/rudd. Fished one rod tight to a weed bed near an island, on 21mm smoked mackerel boilie, only a couple of liners. Second rod I fished near to lillies, using 10 mm tutti's and had four carp from 5 - 14lb and god only knows how many silvers despite using a long hair. All in all a good second day for me when only other run on lake was a lost mid double. On a plus note, the lake was breath takingly pretty and despite being relatively small, it felt bigger.
  20. Which road, Newlands Speci' pit has three banks with roads along it?
  21. Renowned locally for being a tough water but if you crack it the rewards can be good, a few low thirties. Tench sport is good! Very busy at weekends.
  22. Haven't fished for carp this year, only tench. That said not much changes in one year (usually), does it?! What do you want to know about; Speci' Pit, Bents, Surmans or States Lagoon?
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