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    Fishing, Music and the Miss'

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  1. unless your doing it for free, then i'ld say when can i book
  2. wow in that case then i can drive in France, weres good? haha.
  3. You need to have passed your driving test and have a minimum of 3 years driving experience and be over the age of 21 to legally drive abroad. I will have a gander into those lakes however i think i've stumbled onto a lake that seems perfect.
  4. sent you a message buddy
  5. Right this is a mixed post, and probably easy to answer. Me and a friend want to go on a carping holiday but want a nice lake to go to, the size of the fish isn't bustingly important, we don't really need to push into the 40's aslong as it has a nice stock of 20's and 30's. The main thing we are after is a nice secluded lake, not situated by any motorways or any attractions like that, quiet in a land of its own with a nice scenic enviroment. The reason we choose England is because were guessing the price to go to France for a week raises by a busting amount? If not we would probably choose to go France, however once again raises the question, were? Due to our age neither of us can drive in France which causes a problem wanting to fish France, but can drive anywere in England, we've already looked at Orchid lake in oxford and Blubell lakes, both looking very attractive however we want to know if theres anywere else avalable? Were after 24/7 around the clock fishing, no-were you have to pack up come a certain time and sleep in a lodge. Thanks alot - Jack
  6. ok, i think i understand what your saying, with a season ticket i can fish the lakes asfrequently as ilike however thelakemustpermit nights and daysto be able to fish nights? p.s sorry, i'vejust broke my spacebar
  7. http://www.cemexangling.co.uk/venue_guide.php?function=groups luckily for me i've bumped into these lakes and there not to far of a drive for me, however, i'm just curious about something, if i was to join up and get a season ticket to one of the lakes would i be able to fish nights along with days? and fish there as frequently as i like? I'm after joining a lake and paying a yearly permit or season permit as such to try and get some solid fishing in at such lake, but how do these season permits work?
  8. PLEASE, don't make comments like that. I can think of no end of double entendres to go with it, so I'll just hope the jokes blow over quietly When it comes to Snag fishing is this any use: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=28532 well when you have beans for lunch, sausage and beans for dinner and scrambled egg for breaky. Your just asking for trouble. And will read up on that thread cheers
  9. Velcro'd closed, very easy to push open. A windy night will have it off
  10. annoying aren't they
  11. nope, definately put huts up haha Whats wrong with Orchid Lakes?
  12. not as easy as it sounds when your in a bivvy at 3am
  13. well i've just treated myself to a nash double top 2 extreme so the peak will allow me to keep the door open even in harsh rain, but clambering out of my bedchair bag can still stake 4-5 seconds
  14. Cheers i will start with the kiss effect immediately. After however realising im actually using death rigs at the moment without realising im going to stop immediatly, switching to semi fixed rigs just for the pure fact i need the weight of the lead to hook as im always night fishing at a small lake which i tuck up my bait close to objects, a post and island to be precise. So i feel i need the carp to be hooked before i can let it wonder around the lake or spit out my hook in my delayed reaction time.
  15. Thanks Ian. I've made my decision and its definately down to semi-fixed rigs and helicopter rigs! Ill just have to go down to a tackle shop and buy the parts to make them i guess. Any advice on which one is a better rig to use?
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