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About teknologiky

  • Birthday 17/05/1986

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    not where i wanna be...

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  1. Im currently using a mint dental floss instead paying triple the price for "fishing floss" no problems.
  2. I lie. Its the mahin knot i use.
  3. Why is a 20lb fluoro leader dangerous? I fish a 30lb fluoro leader tied to my 12lb mainline with the albright knot it sails through the rings and you can cut the tags right down, pulled 20lb carp out of thick canadian no problem.
  4. Sounds like you might want to put a few quid in Dannys pocket and buy Alis book.
  5. Fang Twisters
  6. I recently moved to bournemouth from london and my fishing has taken a turn for the worst havent landed a fish since i moved there basically. I cant seem to find a water im happy with partly because i keep comparing them to my old club water and also because of all the 'chav lakes' ive visited, i was about to buy a ticket for longham lake but someone told me about a big otter problem and thought twice about it. Does anybody know if this is true? Or can point me in the right direction without mentioning Ringwood angling club because that seems to be the only answer im getting. Thanks
  7. any info would be great just moved to bournemouth. thanks or any other lakes..
  8. any help i fish a nice club only estate lake here in london looking for something similar in bournemouth area.
  9. i was always of the opinion (way i was taught) that your hooklength should always be a couple pound in strength less than your mainline so if u get a break off the fish only has the hooklength and also if you cast into a tree then you dont lose all your setup/ float., usually.
  10. im guessing helicopter rig.
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