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Everything posted by thecuckoo

  1. I didn't like peg 9 TBH as it is like a passing point and the fish seem to like the bays at each end which you can cast across to. If you get it right you will pick a few up.
  2. No mate it is totally untrue, I fished with running and semi fixed leads on clips. He don't allow shelf life boilie thats correct but your will still be frozen if you put them in a polystyrene box, ask you local taclke shop as they have frozen bait delivered in them, they have freezers for your boilie. don't just look at boilies though as they are pressured fish and most of the action in during the dark hours.
  3. Just fish like you are at home, Everyone uses red bait whch he sells there and seems to do well. We all caught on our own as I used chicken and liver, Maize is also worth a shout. In peg 10 to the left is where they boat their baits accross from peg 1 and 2 so fire your left rod up the margin as far as you can and fish two on the bar.
  4. Its a good peg that mate, lad with us last august had 3 40's out of there and a few thirties. there is a bar out to the left at 40 yards and he took all his fish from there. It is well run and a good venue, there is a witchhunt on some forums. Don't believe the WWW take a look for yourself.
  5. I have no reason to exaggertate any report for anyone and for you to suggest this is maybe judging by your own standards. That could be applicable to most fisheries, Linear were the worst when they stated in the angling press that they lost no fish during the floods of 2007 and we got 500 of their fish in our Lagoon. I have not come on here to fall out with anyone and was expressing an opinion and wanted to give a different view from what I read on the net prior to going. Like you said previously you KNOW anglers who have been but not yourself where as I have been and seen with my own eyes....not second hand info. You can't please everyone all of the time!!!
  6. What are you going on about mate? Opinion on what, you have lost me. I have read back the thread and not a clue what you are on about. To clear up your other mail, the 100 x 30's are going into vallee 2. Are you suggesting that I am lying in my factual account? Oh and I know plenty of 40 -50 year old carp anglers, many doing it 2-3 years. To hear them talk you would think they had been carp fishing since the 70's.
  7. I will add the pictures of the 40's and 50's when my oxford mates send me them.....I can assure you that it was a good week with excellent facilities......don't believe the nonsense on the net which I suspect are novices anyway.
  8. When you back over Jay? and when do you leave?
  9. I am back on the 17th october for a week on vallee 2....looking forward to it and getting into some of them old originals Jay
  10. Don't get involved in all the politics TBH Neil but he seems to get a raw deal from noddies IMO. They expect to take the place apart or just chuck bags out and wonder why they have blanked. I am on Vallee 2 in 4 week before he stocks it as there are some belting fish in there already which appeals to me a bit more. Mark is watching all the sites now as some of the stuff being said borders on liable. Glad to see you are doing well though and living the dream, How is Chris and the little un?
  11. Soccer thug from FW!
  12. Hi Mate I am the author of this post and the 100 x 30's are going into valley 2. I am on there in 5 week and the originals are truly stunning. I think the problem lies with English anglers who expect to the fish to crawl up the line. For at least 8 month solid the fish are under constant pressure and this needs to be taken into consideration. I would lay money that most of the people who slate these places are just not good enough anglers at the end of the day. Jay
  13. When I was asked to go to Vallee Lakes with some oxford anglers, I didn't need asking twice as they had done very well and had a few 50's as well as a handful of 40's. With the trip being over a year away it gave me plenty of time to find info on the place and then decide what would be the best approach. Having fished in france a few times previous I knew that it could be good but also under no illusion that the fish tend to give themselves up easy. As the time drew near I did some digging on the internet and found some not so nice things about Vallee and its owner Mark. The usual bollocks being spouted like, No fish, fish dying, being ripped off, overly expensive etc etc but I knew from what the oxford boys told me that this was not a cut and dry as it seemed. August 21st came around and I was now getting the buzz and prospect of fishing for many 40's and 50's with also Sturgeon to 80lb and cats over 100lb!!! Once at Dover it is a doddle, 4am ferry and in France for 6.30am (french time) Vallee is only hour and half away so a stop is in order as you have to give the previous guests time to leave. We arrived at the lake to be met by Mark and Nathalie with fresh coffee and chocolate croissants and got our first look at the lake and it looked impressive. We had already drew for pegs back in England and I was in peg 5 which was the island swim on the NW bank and plenty to go at. Being in 5 meant I was first to be taken to my swim with all my gear and a chance to see what it was actually like and how I would approach it. I set up my gear slowly and thoughtfully as I was spending the next 7 nights here and it all had to right. The Island was 51 yards and in between plenty of gravel and silt between my bank and it was a cert for a rod and being 6ft deep was perfect. To my right was a could of sets of pads and I could just about hit the edge without to much trauma so two rods for the first night sorted I decided to drop one to the left hand side of the island for the first night as no sleep for 28hrs starts to take its toll. I put a CNL (chicken and liver) to the edge of the island as close I could get it and it landed with a donk and I put around 30 x 20mm bolies in. I repeated this on the edge of the pads but with DSM (deep sea mix) and also did the same to the left hand side of the island. I could now relax with a brew as it was now early evening and I was dead on my feet so after a coulple of smokes I was drifting off fast so I decided to get in my pit at 7.30pm, I was out like a light! Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp was what I was rudely awoken to and my rod on the right hand side of the island was away. I stumbled out missing my crocs and scurried across the gravel bare footed and lifted into a fish which was kiting to my right. I was like a zombie and still away with the fairies but I just went into auto pilot like the countless times before and soon the fish was in my net and I looked at the time and it was 1am. I went and woke up rick who came to picture the fish for me and I was off the mark on night 1 which was a first for me in France, maybe this could be one of those red letter day sessions I thought as I could now relax and enjoy my fishing and not worrying if all your plans you have thought about leading up to the holiday would be correct. 33lb 6oz, not a bad start and back to bed happy and still in need of sleep. 33lb 6oz I woke up around 7am and ready to spend the morning with the marker and having a good feel around and watch the water for signs of feeding fish. It had been said that this was more of a night water so you days could be used for feature finding, rig making,shopping and socialising etc.. Seeing as I fished all three on hard spots I found some deeper water at 60 yard going out into the main body of the lake and it was quite silty. I spodded some particle and fished balanced maize on a 12 inch hook link and a size 6 kamasan 745 blowback style and decided to give this at least three days topping up with 10 spods every evening. So I had three decent spots and all had shown signs of this throughout the day so I was quite confident. Out of the blue I hear rick shout from peg 4 "Sturgeon" and watched in fascination as he was taken for a ride around the lake by this powerful beast. He landed it and it was 47lb and one of the smaller Sturgeon out of the six that reside in there. I hope I don't get one, I thought to myself as rick said he had it on the CNL. Saturday night was quiet for myself except for the constant noise of carp walloping out in various parts of the lake but not many in mine, this would become apparent after 3 or 4 days. Sunday morning saw my first piece of bad luck as I wound in my lilly it had been taken into the lillies and smartly despatched into a root on the lillies, so not as quiet as I thought!!! I never mentioned decided the weather before as it was just sunny and in the mid 70's which was now getting hotter with monday expecting to hit 90 degrees. The wind was quite brisk and it was then it became apparent that when the wind blew into my end the fish would follow in the evening as Sunday night would bring me a second carp in the shape of a 32lb mirror from the same spot on the right hand Island spot which I had the previous fish from. 32lb This spot had only one problem, you couldn't get it back on the spot until it was light as it was pitch black and a tricky cast. I have this fish on a CNL with a DSM pop up and decided to try this style where I had been slowly dropping particle for the past three days. It was now getting hotter but I was fortunate to have shade from the trees and spent my entire week in shorts and crocs, morning, noon and night. Around 1.30pm my rod on the particle gave a bleep and I noticed the tip slowly pulling around so I lifted into a good weighted fish but it did nothing really and I started easing it towards me as it felt like it was in some weed but moving. It started to swim towards me hugging the bottom then went past me from right to left and then out. Rick had joined me by this point wnd we got out first fleeting glimpse as the fish rolled around 40 yards out and I thought "mirror" to myself and rick turned around looked at me and said "Mirror" too, now I had seen the length of this fish and thought "That's a 50, easy" I started to lead it towards when all hell broke loose. It must have just realised what was going on and it took off on the most violent run from a hooked fish I have ever experienced. It was heading straight for the island and there was no way I was going to let it get me around the island which would be disastrous so I applied as much pressure as I dared and managed to turn it from the snaggy island, I was now using my clutch with my left hand assisting in slowing the beast down. I managed to gain some line and get it back in front of me where we seen it again and I thought...Its a grassy as a small fin shown itself as it went on another powerful, unstoppable run, this went on for the next ten minutes and rick said it might be a sturgeon and sure enough as it was tiring we clocked the diamonds down its flank and it looked just like a shark. I was now in the water as it was still trying to get under some trees near my swim which gave me a couple of hairy moments. Because of the length of these fish you have to get them to swim head first into the net which does need to be deep! It was now a beaten force and soon heading for the net ending this epic tussle. We did the honours and slipped it back and I bought my rods in and went for a much needed shower. Nothing happened monday night as the wind pushed heavily toward the other end of the lake meaning the fish never came right up the lake and stopped in front of Rick who by this point had landed two more sturgeon up to 51lb on the CNL. (he wasn't happy) 55lb of power By this time everyone had caught a few and plenty of 40's to boot but all on the opposite side of the lake to us and the weather was now looking more promising with more cloud cover but not the wind and rain they had promised. The wind had switched again into me so I knew the tree overhanging the island was a banker for that evening and duly yielded a 26lb common with nothing happening on the other rods except being snapped by a striking pike near the lilies. the 26lb common I managed another 24lb Mirror on the thursday night but the best of the action was across the way with Mick Trafford landing a 50 and taking the 100 euro pot in the process. Rick had the battle of a lifetime with a 72lb sturgeon which took out another anglers rods two swims up in it attempt to get away, what a beast. My rods stayed silent on the last night and I packed up on friday morning having enjoyed a really good week. The facilities at Vallee are second to none and kept very clean by the team there which makes a huge difference to you stay. There was plenty of charging points for all and the shop had any bare essentials if you had forgotten anything. Sam the bailiff is a top lad and goes out of his way to make sure you are happy and also leaves you to it once he is happy at your competence as an angler, he commented that he was in for an easy week. Mark is a top bloke and anything you read on the net is total nonsense as there are plenty of big fish in there and the lake total for week was 2065lb of fish between 10 anglers. The place itself is stunning and very tidy with purpose built swims making it as comfortable as it can be sleeping in your bivvy for 7 nights. I would highly recommend place this to anyone who wants a good all round fishing holiday. I am going back over in october and will write about my exploits on Marks new lake which has some truly stunning fish in and before he puts in the 100 x 30's he has on order. Get over to Vallee if you can, you won't regret it......Remember, They don't give themselves up easy though! The weeks total.. Catch details for pegs 1 and 2 Ron Stybios : Swim 1 HOOK LODGE , 2 X 50s @ 52lb each - Mirrors , 4 x 40s @ 45.6lbs ,48lbs, 46lbs, 41lbs,, 6 x 30s @ 32lbs,31lbs,37lbs,32lbs,33lbs,35lbs @ 3 x 20s @ 28lbs 26lbs ,27lbs, ~ 562lbs Carp . Our Group 1500lbs - total over 2062lbs - with 16 fish over 40lbs out including 3 fifties - not a bad week ! 8 + 40lb + fish out / week including a handful of fifties - the week we were on we had 16 over 40lbs banked. Tight Lines Jay - Lancashire Carp Record Holder Bonus Shot, Me being assaulted !
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