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Everything posted by golderneye

  1. Hi Guys/ Dennis Thanks for letting us know, thats a real shame though, I was just getting into it. Are there any other local waters, rivers, etc locally (Beenleigh, Gold coast) that Carp are present? I have had a look at tygum lagoon and had a plumb about. it would seem the water is very shallow. I did not see any signs of Carp but assume there might be some present. Any ideas of size and has anyone fished there? Looking at previous posts there seems to be the usual unwanted characters downthere. Has anyone fished the river near Doug Larson park and caught Carp? or is the water a little salty being fairly close to the sea? Maybe I will have to admit defeat as well and start fishing for the native species now!! Any information will be gladly appreciated. cheers Rob
  2. Hi Shame you did not catch any Carp, I also fished Friday evening,plenty of small stuff but no Carp. I have been putting a little bit of bait so hopefully will not be far away from hooking a larger fish. I have not looked at the other area yet but hopefully someone might have an idea if it can be fished or not.
  3. Hi Dennis At last I cannot believe that someone wants to fish for carp here! Its great news that there is somewhere to wet a line and fish my old quarry. I live local and since being in oz I have struggled to find like minded fellows who like to fish for carp unless there habit is launching them into the bushes!!!!! Is there a ticket to be obtained before fishing this lake? I may have a reason to dust down the carp gear now and chuck a rod out. Anyone that takes on the council and gets a result deserves a pat on the back well done. Rob
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