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Everything posted by silver_dr

  1. Hi there Tuckers Holt is a really nice day and season ticket (approx) 14 acre mainly carp runs water in Heather, Ibstock. Please see link: http://www.ibstocktackle.co.uk/tuckers-fishery-3-w.asp There is a maximum two rod rule and a limited number of night tickets available (I’ve got one). The water is spring fed and crystal clear with depths ranging from 6 to 28ft. The stock is very impressive with (according to the bailiff, Nev) 2000+ carp. I’ve fished it for the past three-four years and have seen the carp growing year on year. The average is around 8lb and the largest one I’ve had is 16lb but they are very good looking and well conditioned fish – scale perfect commons, linear mirrors, some ghosties, Crucians and the odd fully scaled and about 5 koi to 10lb. Please note, they don’t allow bollies or pellets! Hope this helps, cheers & slack-lines
  2. Hi All I’m looking for a syndicate water in the Loughborough/Leister shire area to join and wonder if anyone can suggest some possible venues that are not too expense? I’m getting a bit frustrated with the local day-ticket waters and want somewhere a bit quieter to fish with like-minded and respectful carp anglers. I’m not too bothered about going after massive fish (40lb+) but the chance of the odd 30lber backed-up with some twenties would be the ideal. If anyone could suggest some venues I would be very grateful. Cheers & Tight-lines
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