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  1. Don't forget your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) you can get one of these free on line. Also get a Green Card from your car / van insurer. This includes a French Accident Report Form that you are expected to carry along with your Certificate of Motor Insurance. Your normal comprehensive insurance often reverts to just third party when abroad so ask them about that too. Have a good trip! Simmo
  2. We caught some lovely carp up to 45lb 8oz too.
  3. This is John Ellington's 94lb 12oz Cat. We were enjoying a great week on the Carp Lake when his party were on the Cat Lake.
  4. windmilllakes wrote: Hi Dan Check out our Catfish Lake, has carp upto 35lb and can be booked exclusive for the week. I can vouch for Windmill Lakes. I have been there a few times. By the sound of it the Catfish Lake would be right up your street. Wicked food too!
  5. If you plan to go regularly you could buy a 3 way fridge. You plug it in at home to get the temperature down. You have it plugged in to your cigar lighter in your car / van and you run it on an LPG cylinder while you are there. That way your English milk, sausages, bacon, steaks etc last all week. You can spend more time fishing and less time shopping. I bought one from Go Outdoors in the sale and it is a godsend. Have a good trip Simmo
  6. It would be wouldn't it, being a new world record! Congratulations Simmo
  7. Hello Brian, Lac Unique are advertising for a bailiff on their web site. Good Luck Simmo
  8. Thank you very much Gareth, very helpful. Simmo
  9. Hi Scotty, The Gardner Carpwise double DVD,Volumes 7 & 8 covers this venue. tactical Carpin - Home & Abroad Volume 8 shows Dave Elliot, Ron Buss, Ian Russell and Richard Farnan enjoying a session at Graviers. It covers methods and tactics and will have you ticking off the days till you get out there. Have a good trip! Simmo
  10. Happy New Year All, I am taking a party of anglers from Bicester to the Dordogne in June and also to a lake near Poitiers, Loir et Cher in July. If you have done this trip recently please tell me what I will pay in road tolls. I would also be interested to know how long it took you to get there. We are travelling from Calais in a VW Transporter, window van. Thank you. Simmo
  11. The website is still advertising the two big fish as if they were still alive. http://www.bluebell-lakes.co.uk/the_lakes/the_lakes.html The website is really good and the lakes look great, with or without the two 60s
  12. If the two biggest fish at Bluebell are now sadly dead. They should not be advertised on the web site. Bit dodgy that!
  13. In December 09 the Bluebell web site says. "We believe that Bluebell Lakes is the also the only fishery in the country with two 60lb fish, ‘Benson’ and ‘The Creature’ with several back up fish from 40lb to high 50lband a massive number or carp for 20lb to 30lb" Is this a fair representation of the fishery?
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