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Everything posted by grahamha

  1. Anybody been there?
  2. I've searched several different forums and google on Cuton Lakes. Is there anyone who hasn't blanked there?
  3. When using running leads is it best to use slack lines with a back lead? Also what sorta run do carp give when using running leads?
  4. I'm fishing about 30 yards away. The lake that I'm fishing is predominantly covered in weed so there aren't many clear patches to present my rig in. Would I be going about it rightly if I find any clear patches and cast out a pva bag with it? Or should I use a single hookbait?
  5. Tried using it again with a longer hooklink but blanked again kept getting single bleeps. Could this be carp blowing the boilies out or were they just liners?
  6. yeah thats great thanks. i just had this mental image of the snowman rig and my pva bag sitting at the bottom of the weeds and fish just not knowing it was there lol
  7. wouldnt it be sitting inside the weed therefore the carp wont be able to see it? and also i was thinking of sticking some crushed boilies and pellets in a pva bag and hooking that onto it but wouldnt all these bits fall to the bottom?
  8. not sure if this is in the right section, sorry if its not lol are snowman rigs suitable for weedy waters?
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