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  1. Has anybody living near the minety area been past this lake, it looks stunning. Ive seen some big carp swimming about and a fair amount of them. Its owned by the house on the other side and apparently they dont like fisherman at all!!!! I took my mate down to show him, we had some bread to see if some of these fish would take off the top. within 5 minsof being there the gamekeeper turned up in his jeep and just watched us Would love to know if anybody has any info
  2. I was hoping to join SCAC this year and was probably going to target that lake as well as im led to believe that this is one of the less busier lakes Might change mymind if its one of those lakes that you turn up to and get the old"what are you doing on my lake"looks id be interested to know how you get on
  3. Hi All Im thinking of doing the night at Sevington on Friday, anybody have any info on the place, didnt see much when using the search facility. Ive only ever fished it once but that was during the day,prices seem pretty good £12 for an overnight session, anyone no much about it?
  4. Back from Broadlands and I........................................Blanked!!!! Fished off peg 56, at the back of the lake, on the end of the wind. Everybody I spoke to was moaning that it was slow, I think very few fish came out. Only plus is I had a screaming run from the edge of the back island but when I hit it there was nothing there, I think thats the first time ive ever missed a fish on the chod rig!!!!! FRUSTRATION
  5. Depends where you are based, the cotswold water park is close to the likes of swindon, theres a few lakes there neighbridge, bradleys etc. There is also Whelford pools near Lechlade Ivy house near Wotten Bassett is a bit of a runs water but holds some good doubles and fish up to 25ib My old ma talks alot about witherington farm in salisbury but dont know much about it myself
  6. Cheers for the info, Where abouts is the inlet??
  7. Hi Mate What sort of water are you looking for? where are you based?
  8. Yes it is Mate,just past Southampton on the side of the M3
  9. Cheers for the tip, im going Thurs Night so hopefully wont be too busy, and ill get a decent spot
  10. Cheers Andy Ill have a look through the forums, ive put alot of pressure onmyself now, gonna be guuted if i blank!!!!
  11. Hi All After a couple of years fishing a very difficult lake, Im fancying something alittle easier for one night. After considering Bradleys ive decided to do Broadlands one night this week. Anybody got some good all round info on the place, im really interested in findiing out what the bottom is like
  12. I suppose another question would be what constitues a complicated rig, I now use a chod rig very often, even when fishing over gravel (during day light hours) purely because I have found the set up up of the actual stiff rig seems to nail carp like ive never known a rig nail carp before. I dont belive Ive ever been done by a carpon this rig, as oppsed to a standard knotless knot which despite the fact that I rate it highly and have had some good fish on it, i know I have been done a few times as well. Yet I found the hastle of tying and connecting leadcore etcl. to my mainline somuch more frustrating the just setting up a lead clip. I dont know is a chod rig a complicated rig!!?? Ijust know I have a lot of confidence in it and thats probably the most important thing
  13. Hi I been fishing a really difficult lake (approx 10 carp in 3.5 acres) over the last 2 years and I fancy fishing something where I might hear my alarms going off a bit more regular, does anybodyknow if Bradleys fishes well and does it get packed at the weekends etc. good baits and fish weights. Would appreciate the hekp Many thanks
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