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    Guitar / Fishing / Beer

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  1. use figure of eight loop knot on hair so knot is bigger then make sure knot is in boilie and it wont move Best regards
  2. Agreed i have emailed to a couple already anyone else is free to pm If you have any suggestions for improvement I will see what i can do and resend to anyone who already has it Cheers
  3. I wil try to find somewhere i can host the file so it can be linked to #I know a few people that have web space so hopefully this will not be a great problem
  4. If there is a way I can share this spreadsheet on the post I am happy to do so it is an idea at present but if people wish to add their own info to the spreadsheet perhaps we could make a kind of communal resourse that we could all add to creating in my opinion a useful tool to formulate mixes if there is no way to add the spreadsheet to the post any one interested give your email and i will sendd you a copy Cheers
  5. Hi Ok i see so 35-45% is optimal protein level if understand you correctly? Also protein needs to be from vcarious sources to give a good amino acid profile in the bait. This is exactly what i have been planning by adding several protein source informations to the spreadsheet I am hoping to produce a bait with a good amino profile whilst still giving 35-45% protein Does this sound correct to you ? Would you like too see the spreadsheet i have included whey , fishmeals such as krill squid and shrimp you can alter the qtys for everything and at the moment it will only give the protein % of the bait but I hope to add more info as I said to include the carbs et c etc I would appreciate your criticism / comments
  6. Hello I have recently put together the beginnings of a spreadsheet to help me try to calculate protein levels for boilies I make myself , I hope to expand this further when i have time to include carbs fat etc. Would anyone be interested in looking at the spreadsheet and commenting or making improvement suggestions ? P.S it is in excel format Best Regards Kieran
  7. hello I am NO expert but have been fishing hard water for a while with no success size 8 hooks One of the regulars was chatting to me recently and when he saw my rigs he immediately advised me to use bigger hooks size 4-6! he seemed to think that it would hel both to increase hooking when using a bolt rig and also reduce hook pulls when striking / playing. Dont know if this helps just passing on ino I tried the bigger hooks at a fishery (i like to call these places buckets or barrels as is so easy like fishing in a barrell ) and it did increase my hooking efficiency with bolt rig/shocker rig Cheers
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