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  1. Got the Point this time round Shane. 1st - 8th Aug. Can't wait, Driving out myself this time round, should be a good week was there last Aug and did well. I might got out again this Oct if work is ok, that will make 3 trips this year. Ganna book up for next year when I am there this Aug, always book a year in advance to ensure my place esp since the korda did their bit on Sky.
  2. Good luck mate. I am going on the 1st Aug. Driving this time as taking the Mrs and we are going to Paris after a week sunning on the point. Might go out again in Oct before the winter kicks in aswell.
  3. Hi Guys I was out there in March, weather was not too bad for the time of year. The fish had just started to wake up and feed. However not like they would normally, plenty of fish came out of Pegs 9 and on the point. The guys in the woods did struggle because they would not listen to Andy or Rob. They wanted to use the boilie and that’s what they wanted to use. Hench they had a crap week, they should have used small plastic baits, they would have cleaned up they had a shed load of fish in front of them all week! Going back there in Aug 1st can't wait. I go at least 2 times a year. Fished with Shane on here last Oct. Shane the new swim 12 is really nice, loads of new places to fish from and the morning we got there this March a guy was netting a upper 40 (I think about 48) the week I was there just, the guy that was in 12 did catch but not many due to the fact that he did not go on to plastics till the end of his week. So shows the new swim works $ One thing to let people know is THE FISH ARE NOT EATING BOILLIES!!!! Not saying you won’t catch on them; before people start saying they have had them on them. I am saying you won’t have as many. Best thing to do before going is call them or drop them an email and ask what the fish are taking. No point spending ££££££ on bait if the fish don’t like it.
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