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Everything posted by pdthorogood

  1. Had a couple of hours fishing over dough larson park on sunday.Have to say the no fishing sign is still in place. No one seemed to take any notice and the few that did were more interested in what i was cathing.Unfortunatley no carp.Did however catch about a dozen fish spieces unknown but up to about 1kg.Still good sport and was nice to get the waggler rod back out.Next time maybe a carp or to. Dose any one know if you can fish the area on the opposite side of the road this is linked to the front lake in the park and joins by a channel under the road.Looks quit good semms to be on a sports field.Any info welcome
  2. Hi Dennis You and Ben both mention you fished Tygum lagoon.Just looked it up on google maps it looks quite good and a fair size.Do you think it would be worth a go over the winter as the dive bombers would be gone.There seems to be a couple of promising areas around the bridge or the islands also around the jettie.Have you been there lately?Would be interested in any info reguarding any fishing spots in the area as good advice is very hard to come by.Tihgt lines Paul
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