First published in 1997 after the authors won the World Championships of 1996, this is a book that still holds huge relevance for anyone trying to catch carp.
The book starts out by stressing the importance of having a target and a strategy in your fishing, whatever level you may be at. It goes on to consider the carp as an animal, its sensory organs, movement and (some of) the different strains of carp that are in the world today. There is good detail enclosed in these sections, without the subject matter becoming too heavy.
The location of fish and feeding areas are covered in a very interesting chapter, before the authors move on to discuss Bait, Rigs and some experiments they have carried out and the results they found.
There follows a great chapter about how they brought the World Cup home where it belongs . This is an excellent narrative that really highlights the importance of all the subjects previously discussed and is a 'real' example of there strategies in action.
Finally, specific strategies are discussed, such as 'Gravel Bars', 'Deep Waters' and so on.
I would highly recommend this book for anybody who wishes to expand their knowledge and its level of insight and detail results in an interesting read for both the novice and experienced angler alike. I liked it most for its well-thought out arguments and opinions and because it conveys a huge level of enthusiasm to the reader whilst encouraging you to constantly test yourself and try new things out.