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Everything posted by carpyadz

  1. Hey, i have been down under for the past year, (Australia) and have not been home long and i need to get on the bank for a 24hour session. Just looking for a lake where there is a chance i can get a bend in the rod with decent size carp. Any help would be appreciated. Cheers
  2. I have searched the forum for four seasons but all the threads seem to be quite old, me and my mate are going to book onto mill lake sometime in mid July, and we were just wondering if anybody has been up there recently and would just like some info how on its fishing,any tactics to use etc... Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks
  3. horseshoe mate. ye we asked about the booze haha limited to 6cans he said. 2 a night and thanks for help got all my pellets needed just might go by the 22mm like you said pal
  4. Hey going to lakemore on wedsnday after noon til saturday morning just wondering if anybody knows how its fishing? baits to use or pegs? never been before me and my mate are going and we been told its a hard water. any help would be appreicated thanks
  5. was tempted to fish it until heard stories of the chance of being arrseted and geat taken away due to fact its a resivor and used for water or some bull like that not to sure but people who have fished it heard some good 20+ in there
  6. Home farm fisherys mate. in Alsager crew i think. fish from a hut, carp to 30lb+ catfish 60lb+
  7. im 17 and im from Manchester and my dad lives in crawly, when i bring all my gear down he drops me off at a place in Horsham called sumners pond mate. Been 3times never blanked first day session had a 15lb 21lb and 25lb in the SAME DAY!!!
  8. Sumners pond in Horshame. cracking place nice little around 5acre lake with an island in the middle. fish to 33lb you book a peg and take a caravan or campervan and park up next to the lake. Got a shop there where you can buy anything.
  9. thanks big help
  10. Has anybody been to lakemoore that could give me some tips or tactics please? best peg? bait? methods? thanks any help would be appreciated. im going on tuesday for a few nights with my mate.
  11. hi me and my mate are going down on sunnyside 1 on the 5th of April for a few nights. Just like to asked has anybody ever fished it? what baits and tactics to use? any help would be appreciated as we have never been or have no background knowledge Thanks Adam
  12. did you catch anything?
  13. i just got back today. me and my mate been on for 3 days and 3 nights and we had 35fish. we had 4 doubles and the biggest was only 12lb. the baliff told me that the biggens have been spawning.
  14. change of plan for me xD ive moved the fishing sunday til wedsnday mornin so i can get back for man united so if u wanna come down ill be there this sunday.
  15. ye if you do ill hope to see you there mate. im going this monday til thursday.
  16. cheers m8, next monday til thrusday ill be there. hopefully the weather will be nice
  17. im fishing night swim peg 1. last time i fished this peg i had a 25lb a 22lb and a 15lb in one day my adive would be get as tight up to the island as possible, and dont ignore the margins, a rod lenght out flick.
  18. im only 15 so my dad payed for all the membership as he lives in crawley so i come down to fish with my mate. i think it is 15 pound membership but im not sur you should visit the website ive sent you a PM
  19. you have to be a member to night fish, then when you want your dates you ring up and book in. you dont have to pay til the day you arrive on the bank. you just get set up and when the cafe opens at about 9 go and pay.
  20. hi, can anyone please reccomend any good waters in chesire with hopefully 25+ carp in it thx
  21. hi, me and my mate our looking for a good fishing lake in france which has a villa next to lake for the reason being is our familys. looking to book one for next july with hopefully carp to 40+. if you have any links to webiste please PM them to me. thanks Adam
  22. kempos you should come down on either monday tuesday or wednesday thats when im on
  23. cheers mate will do. 3 weeks today ill be on the bank
  24. im coming in my bivvy with my m8. we doing 3 days 3 nights
  25. cool GL, i have booked night fishing swim 1 on the main lake. can u see if any1 has caught please or ask the baliff how its fishings. i just want to have an idea how to prepare considering im coming over a 4 hour journey
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