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Everything posted by carpingclive

  1. If you want a good run lake then try Les Quis on Bay Lake my wife and I went in 2008 and for a week we caught 55 carp for 14lb to 38lb 8oz. I caught 4x30s, numerous 20s and doubles. The wifes biggest being 29lb 8oz. If you want know anything please feel free to e-mail me. carpingclive.
  2. We are going in June both my wife and I have fished Les Quis and did well. This time we are taking our eldest son and I know that they will not be able to cast that sort of distance. I was working on the idea that we could fish down the sides, feed beds of pellets and then little and often with bollies.We found this worked for us at Les Quis catching 55 carp to 38lb 8oz. I am also thinking of useing my favourate pineapple boillies do you think that these could work well.
  3. The wife and I went July 2008 to bay lake.This was our first time and we managed to 55 carp all over 10lbs.I had broken my PB of 17lbs within 2 hours,the first carp was 28lbs 8oz.The wife PB before we went was about 8lbs by the end of the week it was 29lbs 8oz. My biggest by the end of the week was 38lbs 8oz and I had 5 carp over 30lbs. We fished the swim behind the Hanger as there are 2 swims side by side. The first thing you need is meshing for you bait,thats a must to avoid the possum chat.We took all the fish on Kent Particals euro boillies(Pineapple).They do 20kilos +popups+dip. What we found the best was to put some sinker in a pot and add some dip and use them. It worked for us. The next thing is feeding boilles,DON'T get putting loads in.Use a caterpult and feed about 6-8 boillies about 3-4 times and fish for the one take per rod.If you feed loads they just eat them and move away.You can feed boillies in and watch them come in and take them on the drop,thats a sight to see.If you want any more infomation feel free to get back to me here or at carpingclive@yahoo.co.uk
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