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Everything posted by brett_rev

  1. heerd of someone catching a 40lb carp around woolaston anyone know of any details
  2. does anyone know of any great river carp rigs that are very affective on slow weedy rivers.?
  3. perkins in earls barton mate i think they have ran out now as they run from june to june so their will be no point as they get the new ones in in about 2 weeks but thats where you get them from ahh yh i know the wellingborough lakes near the prison some absolute lumps in their mate
  4. what syndie do you fish anyways
  5. just got back from the lake mate and just as i got their i saw aload of carp in the maring just huge swirls i think i spooked them but their were quite a few their the lake looks a dream ive baited a few areas where i saw the fish so hopefully all goes well.
  6. yeah as i say its on the wollaston ticket and you can night fish it im going down their tonight to put abit of bait in and see if i can see where the fish are patrolling im gunna do a night session on their this weekend,im told its quite hard to fish and quite weedy aswell but their are some beuts in their
  7. yh go down the track past summer leys then you reach a dead end where you can park your car its the lake on your right normally theirs a bull in the feild yh ive hered theirs some bigguns in their,wollaston ticket costs 15 quid do you have any more info.
  8. oh no sorry i should have specified in northampton
  9. hi ive just brought a wollaston membership and wondered if anyone had fished the lake they have not the dam but the other one,ive heard theirs some clonkers in their and they have said its really hard just wondered if any one knows more about it whats in their and any tips that would be great thanks brett
  10. hey all i went into my local tackle shop and saw a poster about the fishing lake on wickstead park...thy have reopend it and cleared it up made decent swims nd it looks a great place to fish, their are some awesome carp in their by the looks of things and the prices are good....has anyone fished it previous to it closing? thanks..
  11. ahh thats interesting ..yh ive never went further up stream i normally stop at the pipe nd in the summer i always spot a good fish their...ill have to have a walk up their nd check it out i bet those carp u saw are beasts nowadays im gunna try this year to hopefully catch many nene carp thanks again mate
  12. well im thinking the "black pipe" quite a way upstream from the witworths building past the lock.....ive always seen shoals of carp up their....ive fished rinstead before nd had a few corking nets of skimmers and roach...do u fish ringstead fisheries often? and have u ever caught a carp on the ringstead stretch?
  13. hey cheers mate for your time its a beutiful river nd ive never tried for the carp ive fished it for about 5 years now and have seen plenty of carp show up all the way along ive caught everything apart from a carp and im eager to catch one b4 the close season so i have to hurry...wich part do u fish
  14. yh i live about 30 mins walk from the river too i have done alot of fishing on it over the years but i never see anyone really go for the carp like i thought they would....i have seen tht fish aswell in the warmer months i saw it on several ocasions cruising under the a45 bridge maybe tht will be a good place to fish thanks for ur info
  15. hiya cheers for the advice i think ill stick to corn,meat ect thanks again
  16. hi,thinking about giving the river nene a bash on the wellingborough stretch for carp wonderd if anyone had any ideas on what to use for bait as i imagine thy havnt been caught very much thanks ..
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