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Posts posted by alex_vandyke

  1. Chris dont know if you know of the small lake on rookery lane just short of the bus garage it gets a bit crowded but there are some carp to be had as well as silver fish.

    Brocklands lakes dartford is about half hour drive from bromley you can look this up on the net under dartford and district angling.Another member mentioned manor fisheries at headcorn they have there own website so look them up its about 50mins drive from bromley.Its a great fishery very natural and grown in with some nice fish,personal experience as i fish there myself although its currently shut for a short time due to waterlogged fields.

    Look up the freshwater informer on the net or get a free copy from your local tackle shop it will have kent lakes that are reasonably near to you.


    Hope this helps maoridave


    the small lake on rookery lane is called rookery lakes. a private lake with membership only its a good lake to fish but you will need to join the club and become a member of the lake and pay a yearly fee.


    there is a small pond on the oakley rd just down from the mcds bus garage. its a good pond to fish with carp and very hard fighting stureon. and a small amont of sliver fish. the carp are small but its a strange place as its on a main road but the fish will feed.

  2. hi does any one know how fairlop is looking now? some of these threads are quite old. does any one know if you can still fish this water on a day tickeit and if there is any change in the price? and also is the underground station near lake as i heard a rumour? ove never been to this venue before. mant thanks.

  3. steve i live in beckenham witch is only about 20mins from london bridge. i also have tge same problem as you as i dont drive and carnt go as much as i would like as i have to ask someone to drive or go with my friends. do you go any where local or know of lakes that are near trainstaions??? anthing would help. what do you do at the mo to get fishing. any good lakes near us???

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