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Everything posted by britcarpalltheway

  1. im thinking about doing a week on the north lake soon and i wondered if anybody has fished it recently and point me in the right direction so to speak. cheers, si
  2. spod out corn and hemp and fish a single piece of fake corn over the top. i also mix a bit of mollasses with the spod mix. it accounted for my first 30 of the year, along with about 5 other 20s. be warned though, you will get plenty of snotties and tincas. you have to wade through them if they are in your venue. kind regards, simon
  3. hi mate, i cant wait to get on there. im walking it every day for about 2 hours each time. thanks for the advice and cmon the 40+
  4. hi, thanks mate, probably a puddle compared to your usual haunts though
  5. check this thread for a12 cuton lakes. EXCELLENT!!!! http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=41046&start=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=
  6. http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=40771&start=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight= check out this thread mate
  7. i fish bovington 2, snake pit and houchins for the cats. not easy waters but very rewarding!!!!
  8. i am a member of caps as i said and i dont mind you tagging along on nights if that helps. the only thing is i dont know where i stand as far as taking a junior member. i take my daughter regularly so i suppose it depends if your parents mind. also, dont think weeley is all bad. i had 4 20's and a 30 in a 4 day session. its not always like that and there is some real noddys fish it but if you put the time in you will be rewarded. kind regards, simon
  9. hi and welcome to the forum. i also belong to caps and i live in clacton. where abouts do you live? as i may be able to advise on a venue around this way if it helps!
  10. hi all, before i start, i will say that i am not out for any info. just wondered if there is any fellow forum buds on ardleigh at the moment. i am due to start my new campaign in about a months time and i am looking to do about 2 weeks a month on the bank. it would be nice to know a few people on there from the start. kindest regards, simon
  11. excellent review my friend. very informative and extremely helpful!! kind regards, simon
  12. well done to your mate on his new pb and its good to see its not as bad as everyone makes out. its a shame i couldnt make it down there, but work interfered with my plans. what was the biggest fish out, and how many singles did you have mate.
  13. how long are you doing on there steve, is there a reason for peg 33 as i have never fished the lake before? the chilli sounds all good fella lol
  14. hi mate, i was thinking about doing thursday night and friday day. if your up for that then i can meet you there. ive got a new bait that im testing at the moment but i havnt tried it on a runs water so it would be good to give it a go, cheers, simon And I am that masked friend(beginner). It would be great to meet a fellow carp.com man Simon. I promise to try and not make too much of a hash of things - but please don't laugh Steve P.S. Hi Buddy! hi mate, i think i am going to do thursday day, thursday night and fiday day. no probs if you want to come down, it would be good to have a bit of a social. and no i would never laugh, we all had to start somewhere, i hope you can learn something lol.
  15. hi mate, i was thinking about doing thursday night and friday day. if your up for that then i can meet you there. ive got a new bait that im testing at the moment but i havnt tried it on a runs water so it would be good to give it a go, cheers, simon
  16. thanks for that mate, i will give that a go next week, im starting to forget what my nevs sound like lol. ill let you know how i get on.
  17. hi, could anyone give any further info on what swims etc etc as i fancy a go myself. my local lake is not producing at the moment so i think a bit of a confidence booster is in order lol
  18. hi, ive just been googling lakes in essex and have come across bradfield lake in bradfield near harwich. it is run by harwich angling club and i know of at least 1 30 in there. would someone like to take it from here, because thats just about all i know about it. cheers, simon
  19. hi all, reedlands happens to be on my doorstep, and i didnt even know it existed. could anyone be kind enough to give me some joining info please, cheers, simon
  20. thanks guys for the advice, i pretty much expect the aggro, it seems a lot of big fish waters ive been on were the same to start off with until you get to know the guys. i have made my mind up so i will give it at least a year. watch this space i guess lol. thanks again for the advice. simon
  21. holland brook near clacton on sea. some good carp and plenty of small fish to keep the kids happy.
  22. try holland brook in clacton. absolute cracking fishing at times and its free.
  23. hi all, i moved to clacton a little while ago which now gives me the chance to fish snake pit, which i have been wanting to fish for years. i intend fishing it from next april and i am willing to put in the time and effort as i know it to be an absolute punisher at times. im not asking for any secrets because like i said im willing to put in the time and effort but any advice from serious carpers who have actually spent time on this amazing lake would be much appreciated. cheers, simon
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