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Everything posted by 00_peewee

  1. Anyone know how this has been fishing lately? Tactics?
  2. Darren I'm over there this weekend - I'll check it out for you !
  3. I've been considering a luton ac ticket for this year - it's good to hear that the beck is fishing alright! I've not heard the best reports of it in the past. It seems there's a few Beds anglers on here - we should have a get together!
  4. There looks to be a small lake in between Bayford Green and Church Lane...and before anyone comments, yes there is a swimming pool, but that's not what I mean. I'm going on Sunday so will have an ask / scout around.
  5. Sorry for the late reply. Yes I went down there, a nice sized complex for my ability. Nearly all pegs were taken and nobody caught all day, I had one run but resulted in nowt on the bank - it won't put me off though, I would go back! How'd you do?
  6. And who says fish don't feed in the winter...especially tench! Monster!
  7. Due to fish this place next week, never been before, has anyone got any recent updates or tips? Before the admin start, I know there's some stuff on 'the search facility' but its a bit old, cheers
  8. Hi all, I'm looking for a good day ticket runs water in Herts for this weekend! Most of the posts on here are for Bowmans but say what a hole it is...any suggestions welcome! Thanks.
  9. Nowt to be proud of in Derby mate...especially when they get knocked out of the cup!
  10. Thanks Diamiond Dave, it looks immense and I saw it on the tele the other night, but I think I'd need a decent lottery win!
  11. Just out of interest, what is on your shortlist as I'm looking for somewhere for easter time?
  12. Each chalet gets allocated two swims and one was unfishable due to being surrounded by trees and the other was impeded by more trees! Don't get me wrong, if you get a decent position you're ok. We managed to catch in awful conditions! But there were three of us (should have been four) and it was difficult to get a decent spot to cast from! Also it's a nightmare to find...I'm talking deliverance!
  13. is that the same as warren park farm mate...sounds similar?
  14. Hi all, recently had a weekend at Warren Park Farm in Dorset - not the most impressive! - and am now looking for somewhere more central - does anyone know of any holiday venues with cabins and lakes around the Midlands?
  15. In order to blow ones trumpet as well as tip a few of you lot off about a relatively quiet water that seems ripe for some winter pickins I thought I'd do a quick summary on Fancott near Luton. A cracking little lake with a very friendly, helpful owner! I made my first visit there this weekend, being relativley new to carp fishing (3rd trip) I decided the smaller waters were probably the place to hone my skills. I set up one carp rod and a match rod to take some of the other silver fish that apparently go to quite good size. It didn't take long to start catching - mainy roach to 7oz. After a couple of hours I got a take on the match rod, resulting in a 10lb 2oz mirror on the bank (3lb mainline!) - pb! A couple of hours later the alarm sprang in to life on the carp rod and an 11lb 6oz mirror fell to hair rigged spicy sweetcorn! New Pb! Good, hard fighting fish, great sport! It's got a good website and I for one will certainly be heading back as the carp run to 24lb + and stock is koi, common, mirror and ghosties! Enjoy!
  16. I'm due there in a few weeks, did u manage to go? If so, got any advice?
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