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Everything posted by fatnumpty

  1. hiya as anyone fished this water yet and if so is it worth it iv not fished the other specie at baden because the idea of huts and all the rules they have on it doesnt appeal to me! neither does the price to be fair when iv also hurd of lots an lots an lots of blanks from people who have fished it ! .. saying that id consider the new bridge pool as you can use all your own gear ! so does anyone know anything about this water ?
  2. in fainess iv never fished that strech my self but i have been up and had a look ur best bet is to talk to noddies when you see them an ask them if the carp are there they will have smashed been smashed up at some point ! the place i looked at was the wide area up from the lock/bridge next to the pub ! there are some in there its just finding them as from my expeirence canal carp all but a few are nomadic ! another spot for you to try is a small section towards acton trussel about 1/4 mile between locks that is all covered by overhanging trees ! its owned by wolverhampton aa an can be fished on a day ticket i have fished it on a couple of occations without putting much effort in and landed a 2lb sturgeon of all things but once again i know there are carp in there ! where were you thinking of targeting ? have you had any canal carp before?
  3. hi all im new to the forum and im from stafford and have been fishing for 15 odd years i have fished near enough every day ticket water arround the county! an the last 2 years have been concenrating on the canals but am desperatly seeking a syndicate or some club waters that can be night fished an hold 20+ fish . i am looking for somewhere that is mainly quiet and fished properly !! when i say properly i just wanna cut the kids out that spend more time casting an smokin pot than with there bait in the water ! i have a number for a syndi called spring slade but want to pay when i get a full year on it ! any suggestions would be appreciated clubs syndis even somewhere that do 24 hour tickets that iv mayby missed ! like i said im a stafford lad so if anyone with some knowlage in the area could help that would be good ! an like wise anyone wanting inro on the canals round hear just ask iv built up a fair bit of nouse on them !
  4. hi im having the same trouble round stafford been lookin for a syndi for a few years now but have resided to fishing the canals as there are some real worth while fish in them ! castle mere is a loverly looking water but iv not managed to find any info or phone numbers for it i walked round it but no one was there an when i asked at the nearist farm they pionted me to the next one an the next one an so on so no one seems to know anything about it ! . you also have one called spring slade on the canock road i have a number for that if you wanna pm me ! again a large water that looks loverly but they opperate a closed season for carp ! think its £ 150 a year on there !
  5. shelmoor is a small day ticket water near norbury next to the the cannal embankment there are 2 pools there left from when the canal was built ! when they were dug to provide clay for lining the raised canal section the specie pool as its called is very deep ! the water looks stunning but the fishing is slow and iv never seen or hurd of anyone catching there ! there are fish in there but no idea what size they go to http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&q=shelmoor&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl
  6. tixall wides is on the last strech of the staffs an wocs and i think owned by stoke aa ... never fished it though but have walked it a few times and seen big pike being caught on dead bates ! also spoke to a few chaps down there who said there were big carp bream an chub too ! so looks good ! i know there a some nice carp to be had from the staffs a worcs further near to stafford on the izaak walton lisence
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